Want to know how to make a Minecraft Server? Get started by following these easy instructions to create a minecraft server. Start playing and inviting your friends!
Since Minecraft v1.7.2 server owners have been given the ability to further customize the look of the server in the multiplayer server list in-game. One very important feature that was added is the ability to customize the icon that will display next to their server. This is an ideal way...
If you want to delete player data on the Minecraft server, there are some steps you need to take, which we will explain in the section below. How to Delete Player Data Minecraft ServerThis guide will show you how it can be done in a matter of minutes....
of your cozy-crafting dreams on hold until you can fix it. There are a few possible solutions, depending on the cause of the error, so we’ve broken down a few methods to get your blocky base back in business. Here’s how to fix the Authentication Servers Are Down error inMinecraft....
The view distance that determines how far you can see in-game. In this guide, we will show you how to adjust the view distance on your server!
Minecraft servers are multiplayer game servers, either owned privately or by a larger business, that host different types of worlds and games. This is also how players access the best Minecraft games, as you have to join a custom server to play along with others in games like Bed Wars, Spl...
1. Choose a Minecraft hosting plan PurchasingMinecraft server hostingwill save you money and time. The hosting provider will set up your server, manage its back end, and ensure optimal uptime, allowing you to focus on the in-game configuration. ...
This article was created to help you understand and manage permissions on your Minecraft server. Most of the existing commands require you to be a server operator to use them! Nearly all existing commands can be used in the Multicraft console as many times as they do not require you to be...
When the client runs, it will try to identify any available servers it can stream games (1.). If your Sunshine server doesn’t appear, you may need to manually add it by clicking the little screen icon (2.) in the top-right corner of the client. Once you have a Sunshine client ...
My minecraft server I made is within my pfsense network with a 10.0.0.X range and the home network has a range of 192.168.1.X. How do I make that Minecraft Server accessible to everyone else in the house? I have tried to forward a port in the pfsense machine and connect via t...