服务器MOD冲突 求..--- Minecraft Crash Report ---// I'm sorry, Dave. Time: 4/2/13 6:44 PMDescription: Ticking tile en
minecraft:hard_light_blue_stained_glass_pane minecraft:hard_stained_glass minecraft:hard_light_gray_stained_glass minecraft:hard_light_gray_stained_glass_pane minecraft:hard_lime_stained_glass minecraft:hard_lime_stained_glass_pane minecraft:hard_magenta_stained_glass minecraft:hard_magenta_stained_glass...
Level generator: ID 00 - default, ver 1. Features enabled: trueLevel generator options:Level spawn location: World: (557,63,361), Chunk: (at 13,3,9 in 34,22; contains blocks 544,0,352 to 559,255,367), Region: (1,0; contains chunks 32,0 to 63,31, blocks 512,0,0 to 1023,...
DimensionLocation) { const mobs = ["creeper", "skeleton", "sheep"]; // create some sample mob data for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { const mobTypeId = mobs[i % mobs.length]; const entity = targetLocation.dimension.spawnEntity(mobTypeId, targetLocation); entity.addTag("mobparty....
The Improved Mob Spawn mod improves spawn rates and eases conditions for monsters to spawn, which means you’ll be facing more monsters than usual and sometimes in places where you normally wouldn’t find them.
Light Block -> Light 8.The name of the Stone Mason villager profession has been renamed to Mason to match Java Edition 石匠村民职业的名字被重新命名为石匠,以匹配Java版 9.Mooshrooms now spawn at light level 9 and above (MCPE-66830)
Added a minimum size to yellow splash screen text 添加了黄色闪烁标语的最小尺寸 Fixed a typo in notification duration label for Accessibility Settings (MCPE-156901) 修复了可访问性设置中通知持续时间标签的一处笔误 (MCPE-156901) Fixed "Crafting" word above the crafting slots in the inventory on Cla...
bypass-mob-griefing: false takes-damage-from-water: false allow-trading: true always-drop-exp: false minimum-demand: 0 lobotomize: enabled: false check-interval: 100 display-trade-item: true spawn-iron-golem: radius: 0 limit: 0 strider: ridable: false ridable-in-water...
Added a minimum size to yellow splash screen text 添加了黄色闪烁标语的最小尺寸 Fixed a typo in notification duration label for Accessibility Settings (MCPE-156901) 修复了可访问性设置中通知持续时间标签的一处笔误 (MCPE-156901) Fixed "Crafting" word above the crafting slots in the inventory on Cla...
import*asgameTestfrom'@minecraft/server-gametest'; gameTest .registerAsync('StarterTests','simpleMobTest',async(test: gameTest.Test) => {constattackerId ='fox';constvictimId ='chicken'; test.spawn(attackerId, { x:5, y:2, z:5}); test.spawn(victimId, { x:2, y:2, z:2}); test....