The best light level in Minecraft is 15. With this level, you can avoid monster spawning. The most straightforward light block to make with this light level is the Lantern, which has two types: “Standard Lantern” and “Soul Lantern”. Here’s a list ofall light sources in Minecraftand ...
改进区块渲染 Improved performance of spawning mobs 优化怪物生成 Renamed /chunks to /forceload 重命名 /chunks 为 /forceload Bug fixes! 漏洞修复! 修复 MC-136051 - Mob spawning ignores light level, biomes and height MC-136051 - 怪物生成忽略光照等级、生物群系及高度 MC-135945 - Bone meal particles...
This is something people have asked for for a long time. Basically torches should act like torches and cast light while being carried. This is different from lighting engines like Optifine because inthis case it is "real" light meaning the light level has all the normal effects(preventing mo...
Players that launch themselves with a Wind Charge only accumulate fall damage below the y-level of...
MONSTER SPAWNING 怪物生成 Endermen, Skeletons, Wither Skeletons and Piglins now spawn in a wider range of light levels in the Nether (from light level 0 to 11) 末影人,骷髅,凋灵骷髅和猪灵现在会在下界中更广的光照强度范围中生成(从光照强度等级0到11) ...
Endermen will spawn in the Overworld provided there is a light level of 7 or less. They can pick up blocks, teleport, and are vulnerable to water. Endermen may attack when provoked or if the player even looks at an Enderman. Then they will emit long, creepy noises and shake with rage...
Glow Squid now darkens to match the surrounding light level when hurt (MCPE-121754) 现在荧光鱿鱼受伤时变暗到周围光照环境的水平 Villagers spawned from Villager spawners on Marketplace worlds that were created after version 1.11 now correctly spawn as V2 villagers 在1.11版本之后的市场世界中,村民生成...
Fallback to day lightness value in get_light_level to allow mob spawn… Mar 3, 2017 Add error message when unable to create save dir Jun 21, 2018 spawn mobs between 5 and 10 blocks from players,fixes#140 Mar 3, 2017 ...
Endermen, Skeletons, Wither Skeletons, and Piglins now spawn in a wider range of light levels in the Nether (from light level 0 to 11). This makes it possible for more types of mobs to spawn inside Nether Portals, which causes them to instantly change dimensions after spawning. Java He...
Patrols no longer spawns if the block light level disallows monster spawning 如果光照强度不满足怪物生成的条件,巡逻队将不会生成。 Patrols are now allowed to spawn in any biome except mushroom biomes 巡逻队在除了蘑菇生物群系外可以生成。 Villagers that are panicking now have a bigger chance of spaw...