/give @s minecraft:command_block:给予玩家命令方块。 游戏规则设置: /gamerule keepInventory true:开启死亡不掉落。 /gamerule mobGriefing false:防止生物破坏方块。 /gamerule pvp true/false:开启或关闭玩家之间的互相伤害。 传送与定位: /tp [玩家名] [坐标]:将玩家传送到指定坐标。 /tp [玩家1] [玩家2]...
`/give @p minecraft:command_block` 获取命令方块 `/gamerule commandBlockOutput false` 禁止命令方块信息显示 以下命令需要再命令方块内循环开启 `execute as @e[type=minecraft:snowball] at @s run summon minecraft:fireball` 雪球轨迹变火球(失败) `execute as @e[type=minecraft:boat] at @s run fill ...
/give @s command_block 1 /effect @a Glowing 999999 99 漂浮箭指令: /testfor @e【type=arrow】 /execute @e【type=arrow】 ~~~ effect @e【r=10】 levitation 3 10 true /effect @a clear /kill @e【type=arrow】 3是时间 10是等级(等级最高255),可自改 范围半径r=10,10是半径,可自改 强...
sendcommandfeedback 玩家执行命令的返回信息是否在聊天框中显示,同时影响命令方块是否保存命令输出文本 commandblockoutput 命令方块执行命令时是否通报管理员 true/false:输入true/false确定该规则的开启/关闭,不输入可以查看该规则当前模式 naturalregeneration 玩家是否能在饥饿值足够时自然恢复生命值(不影响外部治疗效果,如...
reversing a command in minecraft is easy and straightforward, but there are some important things you should know before attempting it. to undo a command, the first thing you need to do is locate the command block that contains it. then you can use the "/undo" command to revert back to...
reversing a command in minecraft is easy and straightforward, but there are some important things you should know before attempting it. to undo a command, the first thing you need to do is locate the command block that contains it. then you can use the "/undo" command to revert back to...
1.814w02a 加入了/blockdata命令。 加入了目标选择器@e。 /kill命令加入了player|entity参数。 /clear命令加入了data参数。 /testfor命令加入了dataTag参数。 /testfor命令可在命令方块以外运行。 JSON文本规范中加入了insertion属性。 14w02c 为修复MC-44371,/kill命令现在直接清除非生物实体,不再对其造成3.4×1038...
(生物着火、在火中) Lava = "lava" # 熔岩 Drowning = "drowning" # 溺水 BlockExplosion = "block_explosion" # 方块爆炸 EntityExplosion = "entity_explosion" # 生物爆炸 Void = "void" # 虚空 Suicide = "suicide" # 自杀(kill命令) Magic = "magic" # 尖牙对生物造成的伤害、守卫者对生物造成的...
Locate "Settings" on the left tab and enter it.Find "server.properties" and click "Change".Scroll down and change "enable-command-block=false" to "enable-command-block=true" and click "Save".Click on "Back" and start your server back up again....
Advanced Pick Block now copies the items inside when used on a Boat with Chest (MCPE-153410) 高级选择方块在运输船上使用时会复制其中的物品 (MCPE-153410) Resistance effect is no longer one level weaker than it should be (MCPE-156012)