Press the Windows or Start button, then press R. This will open the Run prompt. Type %appdata% into the prompt and run the command. A folder filled with other folders will now open. Just find the Minecraft folder among these and open it. In .minecraft you will find another folder, sa...
Blue ice is a specific type of ice block in Minecraft with unique properties. While it is similar to packed ice blocks, its exact mechanics differ from most types of ice, giving it a range of useful functions. This guide tells you everything you need to know about blue ice – including...
A minecraft minigame where you have to defend your bed and destroy the others. Once your bed is destroyed, you cannot respawn. - tomkeuper/BedWars2023
and then set a Redstone Block on top of a command block that has this command: /setblock ~0 ~1 ~0 minecraft:redstone_block 0 destroy Then set two comparators on two sides of the original /testfor command block. Then, place a command block on the ends of both o...
If you get disconnected, or if you leave a game (configurable) you can re-join it via command or by joining the server again. This is also available in bungee scalable mode. TNT Jump | Feature: players are able to do tnt jump with configurable values. ...
The logic for zombie reinforcement is in the, float); it contains several checks, includingNaturalSpawner.isSpawnPositionOk(...)which checks for an empty valid spawn block within the world border, andSpawnPlacements.checkSpawnRules(...)whi...
A TEENAGER IN THE HOUSE Wednesday, June 21st, 2017 Today marks 13 years of being a mother. It actually seems astonishing to me, but then I look at pictures and it is all too real. My Will was the sweetest and happiest baby on the block. With his blond curls and killer blue eyes, ...