世界边界(World border)是Minecraft世界的当前定义边界。 外观 世界边界由一种动态的、相互平行的对角线密集排列而成。当世界边界处于静止状态时,这些斜线显示为半透明的亮蓝色;若边界正在扩展,则斜线会变成绿色;若边界正在收缩,则斜线会变成红色。 大小 世界边界本质上是一个巨大的边界框。在默认设置下,世界边界的中...
worldborder这个单词虽长,但其实是由world(世界)和border(边境)这两个单词组成。所以,worldborder的意思是:世界边境。翏 /worldborder 作用:管理世界边界 需要权限等级:Java-2 需要作弊:是 版本独有:Java版 格式: /worldborder add <增减量:米>[过渡时间]翏 \\将世界边界的边长增加或减少指定的值,可指定变化边长...
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Many of the game's mechanics would break down in strange ways when at a large distance from the origin of the world. The vast majority of these effects have been patched, or at least minimised, in modern versions. Hard limitsMain article: Java Edition hard limits...
Changed splash texts to match Java Edition Beta!!! is now "Snapshot!" My World is now "New World" World Options use Game Rule names from Java Edition Visible to LAN Players is "Open to LAN" Experimental world text is now yellow (JSON UI only) ...
Java Edition: SoundSubtitlesSourceDescriptionResource locationTranslation keyVolumePitchCollapseAttenuationdistance Block broken Blocks Once the block has broken block.grass.break subtitles.block.generic.break 1.0 0.8 16 Block placed Blocks When the block is placed subtitles.block.generic....
gui.xaero_use_multiworld" : "多世界检测", "gui.xaero_close" : "关闭", "gui.xaero_waypoint_distance_visibility_angle" : "路径点距离水平可见角度", "gui.xaero_waypoint_distance_vertical_visibility_angle" : "路径点距离...
The Wandering Trader's spawning now matches Java Edition and it will no longer spawn in water, ...
MC-221146 - Water fog still very subtle making water appear too clear in the distance MC-221146- 水下迷雾过于细微,使得水在应有的距离内过于清澈 Minecraft Java版 21w13a 发布出处: Minecraft(我的世界)中文论坛)...