世界边界(World border)是Minecraft世界的当前定义边界。 外观 世界边界由一种动态的、相互平行的对角线密集排列而成。当世界边界处于静止状态时,这些斜线显示为半透明的亮蓝色;若边界正在扩展,则斜线会变成绿色;若边界正在收缩,则斜线会变成红色。 大小 世界边界本质上是一个巨大的边界框。在默认设置下,世界边界的中...
worldborder这个单词虽长,但其实是由world(世界)和border(边境)这两个单词组成。所以,worldborder的意思是:世界边境。翏 /worldborder 作用:管理世界边界 需要权限等级:Java-2 需要作弊:是 版本独有:Java版 格式: /worldborder add <增减量:米>[过渡时间]翏 \\将世界边界的边长增加或减少指定的值,可指定变化边长...
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在Java版1.13的快照18w15a加入了自选世界类型,可以使用“浮岛”选项来仿造“天域”。 提及特性 这些特性曾被提到过,但后来一度被放弃或暂时无从得知其目前的开发状态。需要注意的是,某些特性是由已离任的Mojang员工或已不再负责Minecraft开发的员工提及的。
MC-219039 - World border does not render when below the world MC-219039 - 世界边界不在世界下方渲染 MC-219049 - Reloading resource packs no longer shows the progress bar while the transparent background is shown MC-219049 - 重载资源包不会出现进度条,而是一个透明背景 MC-219105 - Entity hitbox...
Minecraft JAVA版 1.14.3 Today we're releasing 1.14.3, a release that tweaks some gameplay features and addresses bugs found in 1.14.2. We also plan on releasing a 1.14.4 to address further issues, but for now, please enjoy the new update!
World Border is a minimalistic configurable mod which allows the creation of a configurable world border, limiting the world size. This can prevent infinitely large file sizes or keep a community of players closer together. You can also loop around the world when hitting a world border, ...
MINECRAFT 1.21 PRE-RELEASE 2 MINECRAFT 1.21-pre2 A Minecraft Java Pre-Release Minecraft Java版 预发布版 We're rounding out the week with the second Pre-Release of 1.21, with a lot of bug fixes. In case you did not catch the ...
0、重大消息:在Minecraft发布11年后,Minecraft永远地失去了它的初代开发公司、Java Edition的销售商,...