Source: /r/minecraftseeds (Image credit: Mojang) Ancient City at spawn seed If you want to explore one of the new ancient cities down in the deep dark ASAP, this seed will get you there. You'll spawn next to two open caves close to the surface, with a secret below. Way beneath you...
Village Seeds for Minecraft Java Edition 1.21Java Edition 1.21 Village Seed #1 This Minecraft seed spawns you in a Plains village with pigs, horses and an iron golem. At coordinates (142,-7,157), there is a Trial Chambers where you can find the Breeze. Right next to this village, you...
5.Village Cut in Half by Ravine You'll spawn right near a small village that’s close to a number of different biomes including plains, and ocean, and forests. The world is home to a large ravine, which is where you will find the ore you need to craft (ladders are highly recommended...
Haunted Snow Village:-221 71 150 Igloo:-370 69 157 Nether Locations Nether Portal was near the village. I wouldn’t create one near spawn, you get into a pretty boxed in area which is hard to find your way out from. Crimson Forest Biome:67 44 -40 Warped Forest Biome:-44 57 62...
Unlike in Java Edition, Strongholds in the Bedrock Edition of Minecraft are not guaranteed to have End Portals. That makes this seed with a Stronghold and a guaranteed End Portal less than 1,000 blocks from Spawn a special one! There's a Taiga Village above the Stronghold to help you ...
Spawn Biome:Plains Village Coordinates: X: -34, Z: -26 Being a Minecraft beginner can be overwhelming as you might need to travel long distances to get valuable resources. However, don’t worry as this seed gifts you three villages at the spawn point, along with a cute littlecherry grove...
"minecraft:breedable": { "require_tame": false, "breeds_with": { "mate_type": "minecraft:chicken", "baby_type": "minecraft:chicken", "breed_event": { "event": "minecraft:entity_born", "target": "baby" } }, "breed_items": [ "wheat_seeds", "beetroot_s...
Version:Java Spawn:174, 75 Biomes:Forest, Plains When you’re feeling nostalgic for old Minecraft or just want to spend some time grinding away, simpler survival seeds are best. This one features a Plains Village with a ruined Nether portal near Spawn. The portal is only missing four obsidia...
Spawn Biome:Jungle Ocean Ruined PortalCoordinates: X: 120 Z: -344 Closest Stronghold Coordinates:X: -860 Z: -1484 Seeds for Both Java and Bedrock 10. Ultimate Death Speedrun Nowadays, there is a new type of speedrun going on in the Minecraft community. In it, players try to kill themselv...
contrast nicely with the monotone yellows of the Desert it is next to. Java players will spawn in the Desert Village and Desert Temple structure combination next to the Coral Reef. Bedrock players will have a Desert Village in another location as well as several underwater structures to explore...