Note:It is important to mention that the mods will be limited to Minecraft Java Edition, because of the difference betweenMinecraft Java and BedrockEdition. The latter does not have Minecraft mod support if you were unaware. Optimization & Tool Mods in Minecraft This category includes mods that ...
BlockEntity、Entity和PendingTicks记录代表了NBT变种中的串联根标签序列,它以短整数格式存储长度和多字节整数类型,而不是Java版或原始 NBT规范使用的大端序格式。 Version中的零值用于记录旧世界格式,更高的值被无限世界类型使用。 键值类型标签 标签字节名称描述 ...
如它所说,此标语不会出现在Java版的标题屏幕上[注 3],但会出现在基岩版的标题屏幕上。这是除了错误提示标语“missingno”外首个不以感叹号结尾的标语。 Beta 1.8(pre1) 224 DungeonQuest is unfair!《地牢任务》不公平! 《地牢任务》是一款桌面游戏,游戏过程依赖开始时玩家随机抽取并排列在网格中的卡牌序列...
You can specify the major Java version (8, 11, etc.). Recommended and default value is17. You may specify11if your plugins need that exact version. Specifying an invalid value will cause errors and nothing will work. The java is obtained by runningapt install openjdk-$JAVA_MAJOR_VERSION-...
更改了黑色染色陶瓦在地图上的颜色,以匹配 Java 版 (MCPE-166791) Players no longer fall through Farmland Blocks after jumping on them 玩家从耕地上起跳后不再会陷入其中 Players no longer fall through Mud Blocks or Farmland Blocks if they are standing on the block as it becomes a complete block (...
Draconic Evolution- One of the best tech mod there is, but really overpowered in the late game. Adds things like a Draconic Power Core which no one has been able to fill yet... Ender IO- A large ender themed mod, that just adds lots of new fun things. ...
Minecraft Java版是指Windows、Mac OS与Linux平台上,使用Java语言开发的Minecraft版本。正式版是Minecraft ...
java, with all the advantages and disadvantages of it (it works on most of the gear with no compatibility problems, but the resources management is a little bit worse that of a conventional game). This game is so popular that on the java web page itself there is a link to errors ...
# JRE version: OpenJDK Runtime Environment Microsoft-8035246 (17.0.8+7) (build 17.0.8+7-LTS)# Java VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM Microsoft-8035246 (17.0.8+7-LTS, mixed mode, tiered, compressed oops, compressed class ptrs, g1 gc, windows-amd64)# No core dump will be written. ...
Minecraft Middle Earth– Java WesterosCraft– Java Ranch N Craft– Java OPLegends– Java Minehut– Java Mineville Server IP address:Bedrock only Game modes: Skyblock, high school, prison, dungeons, city. Minevilleis no longer available on Java edition, but remains on of the five featured Bedrock...