创造模式下设计机器时可以暂时关闭 dispenserNoItemCost 发射物品不会减少发射器内物品(除非处于投掷器链中) 适用于需要长时间测试树场或其他类似的情况 explosionNoBlockDanage 爆炸无法破坏方块 可以在单人模式初期开启防止苦力怕炸坏方块,或者创造模式中开启暂时防止TNT炸膛 creativeFlySpeed 更改创造模式飞行速度(仅在本...
carpet fillLimit [<vanlue>] fill/clone/setblock/structure 指令的禁止方块更新 false禁止指令放置方块时更新 carpet fillUpdates false 活塞推动上限 可以自定义活塞推动的上限,但是这会让你的装置其他人用不了 carpet pushLimit <值> 铁轨激活距离上限 可以设置充能铁轨的激活上限 carpet railPowerLimit <值> QC...
This modpack requires a minimum of 2 GB RAM and 1.8 GHz CPU with 1GB disk to run. The modpack is still in the Open Beta test phase, bugs may appear. If you encounter issues or come up with suggestions, welcome to throw it inGitHub Issues ...
原版! 即使游戏中装有Mod,此标语照常出现。 1.16(rc1) 1.16.100( 406 May contain traces of citrus!可能含微量柑橘成分! 一种食物过敏警示。也是对Mojang员工Mikael Hedberg的昵称"Slicedlime"(青柠檬片)的调侃。 1.16(rc1) 1.16.100( ...
Here's the old explanation if you can't update the mod to 1.6.1 or newer: Spoiler (click to show) Why have my waypoints not restored after restoring the map? Please read the"Why are my waypoints no longer shown for a specific server?"section on theminimap descriptionpage. It should co...
Can be installed on either side, does not have to be on both. Improves Performance on both client and server, feel free to use it in any modpack All the performance changes are done in a way which is compatible with most mods out there, only known to be incompatible are: ...
This License gives no permission to license the work in any other way, but it does not invalidate such permission if you have separately received it. d) If the work has interactive user interfaces, each must display Appropriate Legal Notices; however, if the Program has interactive interfaces ...
player_limit代表整个 BungeeCord 实例能够接受的最大玩家数量,默认值为-1,即不限数量。调整为正整数即启用最大玩家数量限制。 premission和groups由 BungeeCord 提供的简易权限管理设置。前者用以配置权限组内置的权限,default表示默认权限组;后者用以配置玩家所在的权限组。(这里的权限是指 BungeeCord 内置及其插件声明...
in order to stay safe and ensure that nothing dodgy or potentially damaging gets installed along with it. how much does installing a mod cost? the great thing about most modpacks is that they are completely free - however this isn't always the case as some developers may choose to charge...