1.在src/main/resources文件夹下新建一个包 -> 命名为 assets.joymod(你的modid).recipes -> 完成 2.在新建的recipes包下 -> 新建一无标题的文本文件(进行有序合成配方) 在该文件中进行编辑: { "type": "minecraft:crafting_shaped", //你在合成台中的3×3方格中的摆放图案 "pattern": [ "RRR", "...
CommonPorxy.java 的init()中添加: newRecipes(); 在GameRegistry.addSmelting(input, output, exp)中 input 可以是 Block/Item/ItemStack output 是一个 ItemStack exp 是烧炼后获得的经验值。具体数值大概没必要计较,原版的数值设定参照net/minecraft/item/crafting/FurnaceRecipes.java 新的燃料 之前,燃料需要使用 ...
Crafting Recipes For Create Bybraydog2040 Mods 11,238 Description This Mod Allows You To Craft Chipped Block With The Create Mod Create Forge Install ( 1.20.1 or 1.19.2 ) Create Fabric Install ( 1.20.1 or 1.19.2 )CurseForge - a world of endless gaming possibilities for modders and gamers...
Create Forge Install ( 1.20.1 or 1.19.2 )
The crafting recipes are available in theNVL Universal Help Cube(Can be found inNVL's Blocks) HD texture pack is also available at the same location. 1.20.1 The MOD received a major update when rewritten from old code to 1.21. It has slightly different mechanics than the old ones: the ...
The More Crafting Recipes Mod allows you to craft all the items in the game that you aren’t able to easily get outside of creative mode and without the silk touch enchantment. Items like Ore Blocks, Saplings, Music Disks, and String can now all be crafted with this mod. ...
Minecraft Crafting-Recipes (Version 1.8)Andreas Zintzsch
Sit Command Discord x Minecraft Whitelist System Status System -> Set your own Status or select to one of the Default Status. Custom Crafting Recipes (CCR) Tutorial: Invisible Item Frames: Light Block: GLowing Netherite Elytra(
在Java版1.13的快照18w15a加入了自选世界类型,可以使用“浮岛”选项来仿造“天域”。 提及特性 这些特性曾被提到过,但后来一度被放弃或暂时无从得知其目前的开发状态。需要注意的是,某些特性是由已离任的Mojang员工或已不再负责Minecraft开发的员工提及的。
然后,在data\template-mod\recipes目录下,创建所需配方的json文件即可。(如下图分别创建了由银锭合成银块和由银矿烧制成银锭的配方) 第二步 创建完成后,我们就可以进行代码的编写了。 首先是银块的配方,其中type值是用来确定合成方式的,crafting_shaped是指按指定摆放形状来合成。key值来确定合成用的物品,当我们需...