Item Frame(minecraft:item_frame) 390 Flower Pot(minecraft:flower_pot) 391 Carrot(minecraft:carrot) 392 Potato(minecraft:potato) 393 Baked Potato(minecraft:baked_potato) 394 Poisonous Potato(minecraft:poisonous_potato) 395 Empty Map(minecraft:map) 396 Golden Carrot(minecraft:golden_carrot) 397 Mob ...
ImageNameItem IDLegacy Item IDNumerical ID Oak Planks minecraft:oak_planks minecraft:planks 5 Spruce Planks minecraft:spruce_planks minecraft:planks 5:1 Birch Planks minecraft:birch_planks minecraft:planks 5:2 Jungle Planks minecraft:jungle_planks ...
A searchable Minecraft ID list, containing all item and block IDs from the latest version of Minecraft (1.18) and lower versions (1.17, 1.16, 1.15, 1.14, 1.13, 1.12, 1.8, etc).
别名: einvsee item 介绍: 生成一个物品。 用法: /< command > < 物品名称|物品ID > [数量 < 附魔名称[ 附魔等级] > 。。。] 别名: i,eitem,ei itemdb 介绍: 搜索物品。 用法: /< command > < 物品|物品ID > 别名: dura,edura,durability,edurability,eitemdb,itemno,eitemno jails 介绍: 显示...
item 介绍: 生成一个物品。 用法: /< command > < 物品名称|物品ID > [数量 < 附魔名称[ 附魔等级] > 。。。] 别名: i,eitem,ei itemdb 介绍: 搜索物品。 用法: /< command > < 物品|物品ID > 别名: dura,edura,durability,edurability,eitemdb,itemno,eitemno ...
未知的物品ID,也就是说,你的MC和服务器端的MC不一致 4楼2013-05-26 15:43 收起回复 siwXhh 新的开始 2 听不懂啊,求说清楚点 6楼2015-04-30 22:05 回复 饿就开始看看 世界重构 1 楼主 我有疑问问你 能加我QQ吗? 2375838597 7楼2016-01-12 13:44 回复 饿就开始看看 世界重构 1...
Minecraft-物品译名Item translation 英文名称 中文名称 Acacia Boat 金合欢木船 Acacia Boat With Chest 金合欢木运输船 Amethyst Shard 紫水晶碎片 Apple 苹果 Arrow 箭 Arrow Loaded Crossbow 装填箭的弩 Arrow of Decay 衰变之箭 Arrow of Fire Resistance 抗火之箭 ...
Returnsnumber getEntity getEntity(id: string): Entity | undefined Returns an entity based on the provided id. Parameters id:string The id of the entity. ReturnsEntity|undefined- The requested entity object. Notes: This function can throw errors. ...
例/rpgitem Unink armour 20#将Unink的护甲值设置为20% 假如怪物攻击你100伤害.穿上护甲即可抵挡20伤害 16楼2017-05-12 18:02 回复 雍和Yuiiiii 摇曳火光 3 (9) /rpgitem [物品] item [材质]#将这个 [物品] 的显示材质修改为 [材质] (填写物品ID)#详细说一下.材质那里需要注意.如果填写的材质是...
ImageNameItem IDLegacy Item IDNumerical ID Creeper Spawner minecraft:spawner{BlockEntityTag:{SpawnData:{id:"creeper"}}} minecraft:mob_spawner 52:50 Skeleton Spawner minecraft:spawner{BlockEntityTag:{SpawnData:{id:"skeleton"}}} minecraft:mob_spawner 52:51 Spider Spawner minecraft:spawn...