Search an interactive list of Minecraft blocks, items, mobs, entities, potions, ids and data values.
A searchable Minecraft ID list, containing all item and block IDs from the latest version of Minecraft (1.18) and lower versions (1.17, 1.16, 1.15, 1.14, 1.13, 1.12, 1.8, etc).
Type the name of an item or block, or an ID, into the search box below to search our database of 29 Minecraft 1.18 items and blocks in the Spawner category. Filters ImageNameItem IDLegacy Item IDNumerical ID Creeper Spawner minecraft:spawner{BlockEntityTag:{SpawnData:{id:"creeper"}}}...
最近发现了一个minecraft服务器大厅插件,可以实现菜单管理、大厅物品管理,掉落伤害等等等好用的大厅功能,不过是英文的配置文件,我自己翻译了一下Minecraft Dexluxehub中文文档 原插件是纯英文的 ,大家有需要可以拿走,记得对好版本号,我这里是3.5.5 Deluxehub插件下载链接:
To learn more about how Items function in Minecraft: Bedrock Edition, please take a look at the Item JSON DocumentationList of Items展開資料表 IDNameAux Values (if applicable) 383 acacia_boat -140 acacia_button 658 acacia_chest_boat 568 acacia_door -812 acacia_double_slab -575 acac...
# 清理掉落物 minecraft:item 时排除的物品ID # 支持物品名/ID,例子: # IgnoreCleanDropItems: # - "DIAMOND" # - "WOOL:6" # - "35:5" IgnoreCleanDropItems: [] # 实体总数量大于TotalEntityAmountThreshold时:才允许清理LimitEntities的实体,如果LimitAllEntities为true则才允许清理所有实体 ...
Type of item to create. See the {@link@minecraft/vanilla-data.MinecraftItemTypes}enumeration for a list of standard item types in Minecraft experiences. amount?:number=1 Number of items to place in the stack, between 1-255. The provided value will be clamped to the item's maximum stack si...
MOD_ID); public static final RegistryObject<Item> MAPLE_ITEM = ITEMS.register("maple", () -> new Item(new Item.Properties().group(ItemGroup.MATERIALS))); } 然后再 的构造方法中加入 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 复制Cloud Studio 代码运行 ItemInit.ITEMS.register(modEventBus)...
execute @e[tag=huanmie] ~ ~ ~ testforblock ~ ~ ~ dropper 0 {Items:[0:{Slot:0b,id:"minecraft:planks",Count:1b},1:{Slot:1b,id:"minecraft:bedrock",Count:1b,Damage:0s},2:{Slot:2b,id:"minecraft:planks",Count:1b},3:{Slot:3b,id:"minecraft:bedrock",Count:1b,Damage:0s},4...
static "get"(itemId: string): ItemType | undefined Returns a specific item type, if available within Minecraft. Parameters itemId:string ReturnsItemType|undefined getAll static getAll(): ItemType[] Retrieves all available item types registered within Minecraft. ...