Fixed players falling from the sky after riding an entity in Creative mode (MCPE-52957) 修复了在创造模式下,玩家骑行之后从空中摔下来的漏洞 Fixed players spawning in unexpected locations after roaming a world save to a different Xbox One 修复了在不同的 Xbox One 中漫游世界时玩家生成在错误的位置...
Fixed a bug causing the fire animation to flicker when the player is standing in a Lava Cauldron while in Creative mode (MCPE-148999) 修复了创造模式玩家站在装了岩浆的炼药锅中火焰动画发生异常的问题 (MCPE-148999) Fixed an issue that could cause severe visual glitches when using emotes more th...
gamemode(游戏模式。survival-生存模式;creative-创造模式;adventure-冒险模式;spectator-旁观模式) difficulty(游戏难度。peaceful-和平;easy-简单;normal-普通;hard-困难) pvp(true-玩家可以互相残杀;false-玩家无法互相造成伤害) max-players(最大同时在线人数限制) online-mode(正版验证。true-开启;false-不开启) motd...
Minecraft for Windows Explore randomly generated worlds and build amazing things from the simplest of homes to the grandest of castles. Play in creative mode with unlimited resources or mine deep into the world in survival mode, crafting weapons and armor to fend off the dangerous mobs. Scale cr...
# Sets the game mode for new players.# Allowed values: "survival", "creative", or "adventure"difficulty=easy# Sets the difficulty of the world.# Allowed values: "peaceful", "easy", "normal", or "hard"allow-cheats=false# If true then cheats like commands can be used.# Allowed values...
In Minecraft, your adventure starts with your imagination. Build anything you can imagine with unlimited resources in Creative mode, or go on grand expeditions in Survival, journeying across mysterious lands and into the depths of your own infinite worlds. ...
Ctrl+Picking a renamed block (such as a Chest) in Creative Mode will now give a renamed item 创造模式下使用 Ctrl+中键选取一个重命名的方块(例如箱子),现在会给予一个同样重命名的物品 WOLF ARMOR 狼铠 The Wolf Armor will protect the wolf from most damage sources until the armor loses all dur...
Minecraft is a game about placing blocks and going on adventures. Build anything you can imagine with unlimited resources in Creative mode, or go on grand expeditions in Survival, journeying across mysterious lands and into the depths of your own infinite worlds. Will you hide from monsters or...
此App 只在 iPhone 和 iPad 的 App Store 中提供。 Minecraft9+ Create, explore and survive! Mojang “模拟”类第 1 名 4.5 • 72.5万 个评分 US$6.99 提供App 内购买项目 截屏 iPhone iPad 简介 中国大陆地区的用户请留意,本应用将很快在您所在区域下架,届时您将无法重新进行下载及安装。
Fixed a bug that caused the new Wild Update music to not play in the Wild Update biomes when in Creative mode 修复了一个导致创造模式下新的荒野更新音乐在荒野更新的群系中不能播放的问题 BLOCKS方块 Twisting Vines and Weeping Vines with no support now pop even when the random ticking speed is...