1、创造模式 创造模式(Creative Mode)是Minecraft中主要的游戏模式之一。创造模式移除了游戏中的生存内容...
创造模式(Creative Mode) 方块是无限的,无需担心自己的安全,而且可以飞行。 生存模式(Survival Mode) 要求玩家通过建筑和制作各种工具来让自己生存下去。 极限模式(Hardcore Mode) 游戏功能与生存模式相同,只是在此模式中难度将固定于困难难度,而且仅有一次生命。
Play in creative mode with unlimited resources or mine deep into the world in survival mode, crafting weapons and armor to fend off the dangerous mobs. Scale craggy mountains, unearth elaborate caves, and mine large ore veins. Discover lush cave and dripstone cave biomes. Light up your world...
Play in creative mode with unlimited resources or mine deep into the world in survival mode, crafting weapons and armor to fend off the dangerous mobs. Scale craggy mountains, unearth elaborate caves, and mine large ore veins. Discover lush cave and dripstone cave biomes. Light up your world...
把gamemode改为creative 把online-mode改为false 下载对应的JuicyRaspberryPie插件放到plugins目录中,下载地址为:https://github.com/wensheng/JuicyRaspberryPie/releases 最后,需要手动创建个启动脚本 > vi start.sh 内容为: #!/bin/sh java -Xms1G -Xmx1G -jar spigot-1.18.1.jar ...
Minecraft is a game about placing blocks and going on adventures. Build anything you can imagine with unlimited resources in Creative mode, or go on grand expeditions in Survival, journeying across mysterious lands and into the depths of your own infinite worlds. Will you hide from monsters or...
An array of gameplay modes are offered, which include survival modes where the gamer is required to obtain resources to make the world and preserve health, a creative mode where by gamers possess unlimited resources to make with and also capability to fly, and in adventure mode where players ...
Overview of game modes 1. Survival mode 2. Creative mode 3. Adventure mode 4. Spectator mode B. Resource gathering and crafting 1. Mining resources 2. Crafting tools, equipment, and blocks C. Building and exploration 1. Base construction 2. Biomes and points of interest D. Combat system 1...
這將打開聊天窗口 - 根據您想要玩的模式輸入“/gamemode Creative”(或生存) - 然後按 Enter 鍵。啟用作弊功能後,您可以使用 /give [物品或方塊] [數量] 和 /weather [雷霆或晴朗] 等命令。請注意,有些服務器不允許作弊,因此在使用它們之前請確保管理員同意!
The Minecraft Launcher is your one-stop portal into the Minecraft universe. The Minecraft Launcher provides access to the following games: • Minecraft for Windows – Play in creative mode with unlimited resources or mine deep into the world in survival mode, crafting weapons and armor to fend...