我将它血量加到1000,攻击力15,移动速度:0.5(已经很快了),名字改为凋零风暴。此为凋零本身,其他部分为技能,/summon arrow ~ ~1 ~ 放箭!/summon fireball 火球!以及闪电/summon minecraft:lightning_bolt这里就不一一介绍了,因为你只要把这些放到你的command block里。如果你想要装x,/particle cloud ~ ~1 ~ 5...
1楼2025-02-28 14:59回复 tuneyo 摇曳火光 3 execute @e [type = item, name = "diamond_sword"] ~ ~ ~ summon lightning_bolt 来自Android客户端2楼2025-03-01 15:40 回复 tuneyo 摇曳火光 3 diamond_sword可以改成其他物品的名字 来自Android客户端3楼2025-03-01 15:43 回复 ...
/summon Painting - 画 /summon LightningBolt - 雷电 /summon ThrownExpBottle - 已扔出的XP瓶子 /summon WitherSkull - 凋零骷髅头(凋零Boss发出的骷髅头) /summon EnderCrystal - 末影水晶 /summon FireworksRocketEntity - 已发出的烟火 /summon Arrow - 已射出的箭 /summon ThrownPotion - 已扔...
even if it’s not to your location. For example, you can summon lightning where you need it. While game limitations put a cap on how often you can use this command, it’s a really useful function with a lot of potential.
subtitles.entity.lightning_bolt.impact 为运行脚本而分配的时间已耗尽。 subtitles.entity.lightning_bolt.thunder 为运行脚本而分配的时间已耗尽。 为运行脚本而分配的时间已耗尽。 subtitles.entity.llama.ambient 为运行脚本而分配的时间已耗尽。 subtitles.entity.llama.angry 为运行脚本而分配的时间已耗尽。 subtitles...
[type=SpectralArrow,tag=inGround] ~ ~ ~ summon LightningBolt "}},{id:MinecartCommandBlock,Command:setblock ~-7 ~1 ~ minecraft:chain_command_block 1 replace {auto:1b,Command:"kill @e[type=SpectralArrow,tag=inGround] "}},{id:MinecartCommandBlock,Command:/setblock ~ ~-1 ~ minecraft:lava...
Java Edition villagers in panic are more likely to summon iron golems. To see these mobs, the villager must have an unobstructed line of sight to it (eye-level to eye-level), and be within a certain range (spherical distance between feet center bottom-most point of the villager and ...
If there were sky light in the End, it wouldn't make things any brighter. You can also see this if you summon lightning somewhere where it can't set fires: it doesn't brighten the world while striking like it does in the Overworld or the Nether.Anomie...
Included Weapons (and how to use them): Infinity Gauntlet: Right-click to use the power stone, R to use the time stone, and Y to use the space stone Thor's Hammer (Mjolnir): Right-click to summon lightning strikes TNT-Bow: Works like a normal bow, but shoots TNT ...
Place 1 dye in the middle to add some color! Mob Heads - dropped by Orthus, Gigante, and Cerberus; required to summon some bosses. Pictures: Weapons: Thunderbolt - channels the raw power of lightning How to get: craft ichor and bronze around an iron block How to use: right-click ...