You will need to type “/execute @e ~ ~ ~ /summon lightning_bolt'' to strike all loaded entities with a lightning bolt. If you want to exclude yourself from this command be sure to change the command to “/execute @e[type=!player] ~ ~ ~ /summon lightning_bolt”. You can add any...
1楼2025-02-28 14:59回复 tuneyo 摇曳火光 3 execute @e [type = item, name = "diamond_sword"] ~ ~ ~ summon lightning_bolt 来自Android客户端2楼2025-03-01 15:40 回复 tuneyo 摇曳火光 3 diamond_sword可以改成其他物品的名字 来自Android客户端3楼2025-03-01 15:43 回复 ...
To run a second /execute command if a targeted entity has a score (for a targeted objective) that meets a criteria when comparing to a source objective.The comparison of the two objectives can be based on: less than (<), less than equals (<=), equals (=), greater than (>), or g...
This Minecraft tutorial explains how to summon a lightning bolt with screenshots and step-by-step instructions. You can summon a lightning bolt whenever you want using a cheat (game command) in Minecraft.
subtitles.entity.player.hurt_drown 为运行脚本而分配的时间已耗尽。 subtitles.entity.player.hurt_on_fire 为运行脚本而分配的时间已耗尽。 subtitles.entity.player.levelup 为运行脚本而分配的时间已耗尽。 为运行脚本而分配的时间已耗尽。 subtitles.entity.polar_bear.ambient 为运行脚本而分配的时间已耗尽。 subt...
How to breed Cows in Minecraft? To breed cows you need to feed two of them a portion of wheat. Many red hearts appear around both of the cows when they are fed. Calves are the result of cow breeding. Like other baby animals, they do not drop anything when killed but like their adul...
You can also specify location coordinates, allowing you to summon certain events and features wherever you want, even if it’s not to your location. For example, you can summon lightning where you need it. While game limitations put a cap on how often you can use this command, it’s a...
Every Minecraft player needs aTrail Ruinsseed on hand. These structures allow you to do the exploration and treasure-hunting parts of Minecraft without having to battle your way through hundreds of foes. This seed is particularly peaceful for players wanting a more relaxing world. Java and Bedrock...
Infinity:Allows a bow to shoot the same regular arrow forever. Spectral and tipped arrows will still be consumed on use. Infinity cannot be combined with Mending, so you'll need to decide which to use based on how easy it is for you to get flint or arrows. ...