可用分判据如下: "acquireIron", "bakeCake", "blazeRod", "bookcase", "breedCow", "buildBetterPickaxe", "buildFurnace", "buildHoe", "buildPickaxe", "buildSword", "buildWorkBench", "cookFish", "diamonds", "diamondsToYou", "enchantments", "exploreAllBiomes", "flyPig", "fullBeacon", "...
The sound for picking up items is now played when using the ‘/give’ command 当使用 “/give...
探索 目前 關於「載入提示」的歷史,請見各版本頁面。 關於「載入提示」的歷史,請見各版本頁面。 關於「載入提示」的歷史,請見各版本頁面。 參考 English 除非另有註明,否則社區內容均使用CC BY-NC-SA授權條款。
When making a diamond pickaxe, it is important that the diamonds and sticks are placed in the exact pattern as the image below. There should be 3 diamonds placed in the first row. In the second row, 1 stick should be in the middle box. In the third row, 1 stick should be in the ...
In Minecraft Java Edition (PC/Mac) 1.8, 1.9, 1.10, 1.11 and 1.12, the /give command for Diamond Leggings is: /give @p diamond_leggings 1 0DurabilityDurability represents how long the item will last. For tools, weapons and transportation, durability is the number of useful actions before th...
Example:/give Ollie diamond 5will give Ollie five Diamonds. By the way, we have a full guide onhow to get Diamonds in Minecraft. /summon The "summon" command summons the specified entity orMinecraft mobat the specified position. Ever wanted to try a newly crafted weapon against a particular...
import { EntityComponentTypes, ItemStack, Player } from '@minecraft/server'; import { MinecraftItemTypes } from '@minecraft/vanilla-data'; function giveAwesomeSword(player: Player) { const diamondAwesomeSword = new ItemStack(MinecraftItemTypes.DiamondSword, 1); diamondAwesomeSword.setLore([ '§c...
.addItem(newItemStack(MinecraftItemTypes.DiamondSword)); inv.container?.addItem(newItemStack(MinecraftItemTypes.Dirt,64)); player.teleport(Vector3Utils.add(ARENA_VECTOR_OFFSET, { x:-3, y:0, z:-3}), { dimension: overworld, rotation: { x:0, y:0}, }); } world.sendMessage("BREAK TH...
The Enchanting Table item can be spawned in Minecraft with the below command. Cheats must be enabled before this will work. Copy If you are running the Essentials plugin, you will need to run /minecraft:give instead of simply /give. This is because the Essentials /give command overrides Mi...
In theon_exittag, we are adding two commands that will run when the robot exits the water. The first command will give the robot a regeneration effect level four for two seconds. The second command will play a fizzing sound effect.