featuring everything from Tesla coils and aircraft carriers to mad scientists and psychic soldiers. With its quirky units, engaging multiplayer experience, and memorable cutscenes filled with exaggerated drama, Red Alert 2 captures the essence of 90s video gaming nostalgia while providing adrenaline-pumpi...
This is a great way to quickly mine diamonds, iron ore, gold ore, redstone and other valuable items!! The /fill command is very powerful and can be used to quickly create so many structures. Give it a try and see what you can create! Congratulations, you have learned how to use the...
valid%w[clubs hearts spades diamonds] If our option is passed anything other than one of the four card suits, the help screen will be printed. It might be a good idea to include acceptable arguments in your option’s “desc” value. $ ruby gamble.rb -s clubs suit: clubs $ ruby gambl...
Golkonda Diamonds gen_south_india_diamonds Italian Renaissance itm_italian_renaissance Encourage Urbanization itm_urbanization Merchant Princes itm_merchant_princes Rule of the Prince itm_princely_rule Educated Court itm_educated_court Spheres of Influence itm_spheres_of_influence Prelate Power itm_prelate...
(if used in the command box, change player to @p, @a) My world command book: /give gives a person the quantity of an item ID - gives a person something; if not written, the quantity is given; defaults to 64 /fireball - fires a fireball (which destroys diamonds) /heal name - ...
most players buying diamonds and money to upgrade there army, which could be the reason for keeping you from advancing. Don’t get me wrong there are some natural players out there that are the wizards of this game and have advanced in the ranks even though there army has low strength ...
items you /give with command blocks spawn in the slot for your boots What I expected to happen was...: if i triggerd a commandblock a diamondsword would spawn in my backpack What actually happened was...: it spawned in the slot for my boots i survival and in creative and deleting my...
commandbox,change>to@p,@a) Myworldcommandbook: /givegivesapersonthequantityofanitemID-givesaperson something;ifnotwritten,thequantityisgiven;defaultsto 64 /fireball-firesafireball(whichdestroysdiamonds) /healname-treatsomeone /invseename-checksomeone'spackage ...
My second nitpick of this team has been wildly documented on my personal twitter and within the fandom/collecting space. The second release of the Green Ranger is missing the diamonds under his shield. The first release was part of the“Fighting Spirit”two-pack, which had everything from th...
So it’s ridiculous to use beer as the example. Why not use 60″ plasma TVs or diamonds? None of these represent the economic situation that most of us find ourselves in. Since the example uses a luxury (beer) as its foundation, let’s rewrite the story using a necessity: Oxygen. ...