MC-148830- Game crashed while loading chunks 加载区块时服务器崩溃 MC-149040- Iron ore texture has four miscoloured pixels 铁矿石的材质4个像素颜色不对 MC-149178- Chunk rendering is extremely slow and random in 1.14 区块渲染极其迟钝和混乱 MC-149209- Cats jitter when sitting on slime blocks 猫...
[1.20.1] Multiplayer Loading Crash "Error: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.TextureAtlasSprite.m_118367_(double)" The game crashed whilst encountered exception while building chunk meshes Error: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "net.minec...
掠夺者前哨站的旗帜名字不对 MC-148830 - Game crashed while loading chunks 加载区块时服务器崩溃 MC-149040 - Iron ore texture has four miscoloured pixels 铁矿石的材质4个像素颜色不对 MC-149178 - Chunk rendering is extremely slow and random in 1.14 区块渲染极其迟钝和混乱 MC-149209 - Cats jitter...
( at 分享221 minecraft吧 灬浮华er 游戏崩溃 创建游戏就崩溃 来个大佬救救重新安装了系统,也是这个提示 The game crashed whilst mouseclicked event handler Error: java.lang.IllegalStateException: failed to create a child ...
@# Game crashed! Crash report saved to: #@!@# F:\BaiduNetdiskDownload\TURING 1.10.2\TURING 1.10.2\ACG1.10.2\.minecraft\crash-reports\crash-2020-07-26_21.10.18-client.txt [21:10:20] [ProcessMonitor/INFO] Process exit code: -1 [21:10:20] [ProcessMonitor/ERROR] The game exited ...
Scannableis a small addition to the smart explorer's (as inyour) tool-belt. Also, eye candy. It provides a scanner item that can survey the nearby area for points of interest. Scan results are visualized for a short while in a clean and readable manner, either as in-world highlights or...
新手腐竹,今天下午服务器突然崩了RT,今天下午突然崩了,然后就再也起不来了,之前已经开了十几天了都没事,下面是日志,求大神 --- Minecraft Crash Report --- // You should try our sister game, Minceraft! Time: 1/6/16 6:50 PM Description: Ticking entity java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/minecra...
- While this won't prevent you from starting the game, the developer(s) of mod 'More Culling' (moreculling) have found that this combination may cause issues. You should remove one of the mods or check for updates that resolve the issue. [11:01:25] [main/INFO]: Loading 514 mods:...
If you can answer YES to all three questions, then please kindly post your full crash report inside of [ spoiler ] tags, along with a detailed description of what you were doing when the game crashed. The more information you can give me, the more likely I will be able to fix your ...
事情是这样的 我自己开个服务器玩玩,装了一堆插件 给自己了一个op 不知道怎么,TMI内置修改器每一个指令都不能用了,客户端里红字提示an internal error occurred while attempting to perform this command(在试图执行此命令时发生内部错误) 然后是服务端: 2013-03-10 01:02:54 [WARNING] Unexpected exception ...