In Minecraft, there are color codes and format codes that you can use in chat and game commands. Here is a list of color codes and format codes that are available in Minecraft:
TextFormatting#fromColorIndex(I)■■■ChatFormatting#getById(I) ItemStack.areItemStackTagsEqual(ItemStack;ItemStack)■■■ItemStack.tagMatches(ItemStack;ItemStack) ■■■sameItem TextFormatting#getTextWithoutFormattingCodes(String)■■■ChatFormatting#stripFormatting(String) EnumDyeColor.SILVER■■■DyeColor.LI...
bold, underlined text. You need to put the colour before the bold and underline. This is because the colour code resets the style to be coloured, but not italic, bold, etc. This is a minecraft thing, and also applies to vanilla formatting codes. ...
And don't forget about using formatting codes when renaming something: Stylize text as you like! Easy Shulker Boxes [Forge & Fabric] Easy Shulker Boxes brings some extremely useful changes to shulker boxes, making them usable from directly within your inventory. No need for placing the whole ...
(money or any Minecraft material) Arena selection GUI Configurable anti-camping system Translatable messages Command whitelist Formatting codes and RGB/Hex colour support Full tab completion based on permissions Signs Configurable per-arena time limit Configurable per-arena countdown Configurable sounds In-...
Plus the ability to set your own prefix and name colour with the /setprefix command! And much more!Supergod KitEverything from the above kits Plus all WorldEdit commands! Plus creative mode! Plus a Private World! (subject to availability) Plus additional formatting codes for /setprefix to al...
Nicknames You can set a custom nickname on the server, including colors! All players are welcome to use the/nickcommand, to colour their usernames and choose a custom name. You can also use formatting codes to set colors. The list of available colors are: ...
formatted(Formatting.valueOf(namecolour.toUpperCase())) .add(DataComponentTypes.ENTITY_DATA, createEntityData()) .build(); item.applyChanges(changes); mc.interactionManager.clickCreativeStack(item, 36 + mc.player.getInventory().selectedSlot); mc.interactionManager.interactBlock(mc.player, Hand.MAIN_...
TextFormatting#getTextWithoutFormattingCodes(String)■■■ChatFormatting#stripFormatting(String) EnumDyeColor.SILVER■■■DyeColor.LIGHT_GRAY "OnConfigChangedEvent■■■ModConfigEvent NOT SURE" Fluid.BUCKET_VOLUME■■■FluidAttributes.BUCKET_VOLUME Block#createTileEntity■■■EntityBlock...
NEW:secondaryFormatting - The secondary colour commands should use in their response. YELLOW by default. doMelt - Whether ice and snow should melt. True by default. NEW:maxHomes - The maximum amount of homes players may set, set to 0 to disable homes or -1 for infinite. 3 by default....