Changes the color, font, or size of the wrapped text. Example: This is [COLOR=red]red[/COLOR] and [COLOR=#0000cc]blue[/COLOR] text. This is [FONT=Courier New]Courier New[/FONT] text. This is [SIZE=1]small[/SIZE] and [SIZE=7]big[/SIZE] text. ...
The mergeSimilarItem() method in the MotdItemCollection class merges adjacent MotdItem objects with the same formatting and color. This optimization helps to reduce redundancy in the formatting and color codes, making the MOTD more concise.
getFont().listFormattedStringToWidth(str, wrapWidth)■■■, wrapWidth).split("\n")).toList() LoaderState■■■ModStateProvider GUI#filldrawRect(startX, y, endX + 1, y + 1, color)■■■GUI#fill(PoseStack p_93173_, int p_93174_, int ...
You can define click and hover events with the commonly used MarkDown link syntax as well as specify formatting, font and colors that way.Simple SyntaxDescriptionSyntax General syntax [Text](text-color text-formatting... link hover text) Simple Link [Text]( Simple ...
Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer.addChatComponentMessage(newChatComponentText(ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', message))); } 開發者ID:boomboompower,項目名稱:TextDisplayer,代碼行數:9,代碼來源 示例9: entityHitInstanceOf ...
Border color Border size Border radius No effect Negative Grayscale Brightness Contrast Edge Blur Emboss Sketch Sepia Accept for background only Use our generator to create a custom signature banner with your Minecraft character. Saving your creation provides you with both HTML and BBCode so you can...
Fixed a bug where text formatting codes would be shown on the new death screen Fix bug where respawning in VR sometimes softlocked the player on the death screen Changed the overlay color on the new death screen in full VR Added a new camera effect on the new death screen ...
+ "$tyel_oreui_design:light_button_pressed_text_color" + "$tyel_oreui_design:light_button_locked_text_color" + "$tyel_oreui_design:dark_button_default_text_color" + "$tyel_oreui_design:dark_button_hover_text_color" + "$tyel_oreui_design:dark_button_pressed_text_color" + "$t...
10. Supports RGB and Font[1.16 or above] You can use RGB code in any part of the config that support colors! &x&F&F&F&F&F&F or [color=#ffffff] If you have a custom resource pack that has different fonts, you can even use them like color codes!