F7 : Light Level / Mob spawns Double click on the JEI Search Field for Item Search In version 0.5 or above you can change the config ingame: from the Main Screen:Mods -> MoreOverlays -> Config from the Pause Menu:Mod Options... -> MoreOverlays -> Config [Not working in Minecraft 1...
Reading node: INVOKEVIRTUAL aow.getLightValue (Lawt;Lamy;Let;)Ifound deletion target at index 19: INVOKEVIRTUAL aow.getLightValue (Lawt;Lamy;Let;)I[13:15:11] [main/INFO]: [net.minecraft.client.main.Main:main:55]: Completely ignored arguments: [480, BakaXL, ][13:15:11] [main/ERROR...
# 定义 JEI 界面的信息提示中的 Mod 名称格式。留空以禁用。 [默认: blue italic] [有效: [black, dark_blue, dark_green, dark_aqua, dark_red, dark_purple, gold, gray, dark_gray, blue, green, aqua, red, light_purple, yellow, white, obfuscated, bold, strikethrough, underline, italic]] ...
Light prevents hostile Mobs from spawning where it shines but on the other hand also attracts them from further away to the light source. You can make arrows that float or explode when using the right materials. Use F7 to see the light levels on the ground and F9 to see the chunk border...
mod=viewthread&tid=60665&highlight=%和谐B2%C4%D6%CA%B1%E0%BC%AD%C6%F7MTE全称Minecraft Texture Editor 是一个材质编辑的软件 这个软件在PC1.5之前被广泛使用,可是到1.5之后材质的格式改了,于是就渐渐被人淡忘了ORZ 但是1.5之前方块材质是和PE一样的格式,所以现在这软件很适合PE(~ε~*) 送TA礼物 1...
1100 Fix crash when mods set their block light level above maximum. (commit 37203248ff1e7e70cd247522418b37a71a4fba70) 1102 Make worldgen watchdog timer timeout configurable. (commit 2ffd998225b4505638795a2250b99f97b4971e26) 1105-1123,1153 Opt-in support for allowing vanilla clients to connec...
lightmapTexUnit, brightX, brightY); int i = 0; for (String text : screen.information.getWrapperList()) { i++; if (i > 8) { break; } renderer.drawString(text, (int) x + 10, (int) (y - 2) + (10 * i), Color.CYAN.getRGB()); } GlStateManager.popMatrix(); } } ...
通往创意的幕后通行证 在探索剧院的过程中,你将走进不同的部门,用编程的力量释放创意:在录音棚里编...
LightAndShadowResources - IMMA FIRIN’ MAH LASR!! Art assets for the Light & Shadow concept Machines - machine infrastructure library module Malicious - a series of module security tests to check that modules cannot do naughty things when running ManualLabor - tools and logic for manual labor (...