Minecraft中的亮度(Light/Lighting)会影响视觉、生物生成及植物的生长。它包括三个方面:光照等级,内部光照等级和渲染亮度。 光照等级在Java版中,调试屏幕上会显示光照等级。有两种类型的光照:天空光照和方块光照。光照等级(Light level)共有16级,以0(最小)至15(最大)的整数表示。
The best light level in Minecraft is 15. With this level, you can avoid monster spawning. The most straightforward light block to make with this light level is the Lantern, which has two types: “Standard Lantern” and “Soul Lantern”. Here’s a list ofall light sources in Minecraftand ...
Enchantment Tables now emit light level 7 (MCPE-130868) 附魔台现在会发出亮度等级为7的光 (MCPE-130868) The falling position of Pointed Dripstone is no longer slightly offset (MCPE-119548) 滴水石锥现在掉落时的位置不再会发生偏移了 (MCPE-119548) Disabled biome tinting for Spruce and Birch Leaves ...
Raised the cloud level from 128 to 192 云的高度从 128 升到 192 TECHNICAL CHANGES IN 21W37A 21W37A 的技术性修改 Replaced the clientbound chunk update network packet with another one which additionally contains light update data. A separate light update packet still exists and is sent when a l...
关于“亮度”的历史,请见各版本页面。 你知道吗 在基岩版中,发光方块的六个面亮度一致,与Java版略有不同,这样看上去更有发光的感觉。烈焰人也是如此。 在Minecraft的源代码中,“明亮度(Luminescence)”被定义为浮点型。匪夷所思的是,这些数值均为16的商,但却被乘以15得到最终的整数光照等级。
8、Silverfish=银鱼;11年都过去了,翻译软件至今仍未收录“蠹虫”这个翻译么?犹记得当年在水中养银鱼的萌新日子。9、Smoker=吸烟者;这是烟熏炉的直译,这个直译说起来还真是挑不出任何毛病,只是Mojang你用这个词作为烟熏炉,造词狂魔么?10、Shroomlight=小口径;一个来自Minecraft 1.16的新照明方块,这种一种...
Sildur's Shaderspack more specifically focuses on the lighting in the game, and it helps to make the sun more vibrant in the game world. It also creates a light reflection effect, which allows the sun to bounce off oceans and rivers, and even shine through trees. ...
carpet 方块现已被扁平化为 16 中不同的颜色变种,分别为 white_carpet、orange_carpet、magenta_carpet、light_blue_carpet、yellow_carpet、lime_carpet、pink_carpet、gray_carpet、light_gray_carpet、cyan_carpet、purple_carpet、blue_carpet、brown_carpet、green_carpet、red_carpet 以及 black_carpet Commands will...
Click through to the wiki above for some extra formatting information and notes. Essentially, this command is as easy as this; enter the root command, type in your desired difficulty level, and hit enter. Your options arepeaceful,easy,normal, andhard. For example, type in “/difficulty peace...
ArchDaily has teamed up with UN-Habitat to bring you weekly news, article, and interviews that highlight this work, with content straight from the source, developed by our editors. In this second collaboration with UN-Habitat, discover different examples on how to design with and for kids in...