在此示例中,我们实现了一个 PingCommand 类,并将其注册为 /ping 命令的执行器。 经验/等级的转换 Minecraft Utils 还实现了一个实用函数,它允许您轻松地将经验和等级转换为彼此。 以下是实现等级转经验功能的代码: publicstaticintlevelToExp(intlevel){if(level<=15){returnlevel*level+6*level;}if(level<=...
The /locate structure command output now displays the identifier of the found structure instead of its name /locate structure命令输出现在显示找到的结构的标识符,而不是它的名称 Added all parameter to /reload command. This causes players to quit the world and rejoin, as well as reloading all behav...
Edit Information icon.svg 此特性为Java版独有。在13w36a快照之后,NBT标签(亦称数据标签)可以在/give...
伤害entity-broadcast-range-percentage=100snooper-enabled=true level-type=default # 世界类型hardcore=false # 极限 死去的玩家会自动被服务器ban掉enable-status=trueenable-command-block=false # 是否启用命令方块max-players=20 # 最大玩家数network-compression-threshold=256resource-pack-sha1= # 资源包的sha1...
以下为Essentials插件所有指令以及权限节点 使用Ctrl+F可以快速查找 使用Ctrl+D可以收藏本页方便下次使用哦! 权限使用方法(以最常见的GroupManager插件为例): /manuaddp 玩家id 具体权限 #给玩家权限 /mangaddp 组名 具体权限 #给某个组权限 经济指令 常用指令 ...
- Added an option to **HandOfGod** that can run a fill command around every non-player entity on the server which functions just like the "Troll Other Players" options. - Added a mode to **NbtEditor** called "Copy" It takes the Nbt data of the thing in your main hand, and copie...
For the command, see Commands/op.Minecraft servers allow players to play online or via a local area network with other people. Internally, the game runs a server for single-player games, this was done in order to make the single-player game experience consistent with the multiplayer experience...
通往创意的幕后通行证 在探索剧院的过程中,你将走进不同的部门,用编程的力量释放创意:在录音棚里编...
Command 使用在命令方块上,用来编辑命令方块的命令 A string {Command:"desired command"} 容器 tdese tags can be used on most tile entitied blocks Tagname Description Value Type Syntax CustomName 用来确定打开容器后在上方看到容器的名字 A string. {CustomName:"Custom Name"} Lock 使用该NBT会使容器上锁...