Use RenderItem.renderModel for item list instead of copying the method - mezz Fix #231 Filter not updating when set from API - mezz Update to use newer Registry methods - mezz Force exit on exceptions during startup to stop Ticking entity exception. - mezz Fix for Forge registry changes -...
Use RenderItem.renderModel for item list instead of copying the method - mezz v3.2.3 Fix #231 Filter not updating when set from API - mezz v3.2.2 Update to use newer Registry methods - mezz v3.2.1 Force exit on exceptions during startup to stop Ticking entity exception. - mezz ...
Updated the model and texture of the Vex 更新了恼鬼的模型和纹理 The Vex retains a slightly ...
None[sound 1] Entity-Dependent Falling on the block with fall damage block.nether_bricks.fall None[sound 1] 0.5 0.75 16 Footsteps Entity-Dependent Walking on the block block.nether_bricks.step subtitles.block.generic.footsteps 0.15 1.0 16 ...
● 修复了物品在创造物品栏中将一个物品移往另一个物品时无法将物品丢弃的问题 Commands命令 ● Running ‘/execute align xyz entity’now produces a command error instead of crashing (MCPE-162733) ● 运行 ‘/execute align xyz entity’ 现在会产生一条命令异常回馈而非游戏崩溃...
Custom Entity Models: OFF Random Entities: OFF Better Snow: OFF Custom Colors: OFF Natural Textures: OFF Custom Items: OFF Custom GUIs: OFF Performance: When you go to the Performance tab, you will a new window appearing on the screen of your PC. When you go there, you will have to ...
on Experimental Featurest, Holiday Creator, Mob Griefing. But be careful: the faster your enemies go, the harder they can punch too! Fabric Modloader. In its current state, you can make explosions look pretty cool, but I also plan on adding more stuff down the line. The favourite part ...
Fixed certain modded blocks crashing the game 2.6.3 Added support for block entity physics (for blocky and particles, fractured will fallback to blocky) 2.6.2 Added block physics activation range setting Fixed block scale not working for particles ...
entity, not just by a player >>> Changes (to earlier Renewed): * Renamed the Rohirric Coif to a Helmet * Increased mithril armour's 'toughness' attribute to match netherite + Added a new nettles model * Retextured Rohan bricks and carved bricks * Retextured Angmar bricks and mossy, ...
Running ‘/execute align xyz entity’now produces a command error instead of crashing (MCPE-162733) 现在运行 ‘/execute align xyz entity’ 将会产生一条命令错误,而非游戏崩溃(MCPE-162733) TECHNICAL UPDATES 技术性更新 MOBS 生物 "input_ground_controlled" no longer implies increased auto step when co...