In Minecraft Pocket Edition (PE), you can enchant items such as armor, weapons, and tools. Each enchantment has a name and ID value assigned to it. You can use these enchantment values in the /enchant command. Here is an interactive list of all enchantme
Tools cannot have both Fortune and Silk Touch. A Mace can only have Density or Breach, not both. How to disenchant items in Minecraft Disenchantment is the process of removing enchantments from an item. If you've accidentally added a conflicting enchantment to an item or got bad enchantments...
EnchantmentMax LevelsEffectApplicable to Efficiency5Increases mining speedPickaxes and Shovels Fortune3Increases drop quantity of some itemsPickaxes, Axes, Sickles, and Shovels Luck of the Sea3Increases looting rate and rarity during fishingFishing Rods ...
Tools cannot have both Fortune and Silk Touch. A Mace can only have Density or Breach, not both. How to disenchant items in Minecraft Disenchantment is the process of removing enchantments from an item. If you've accidentally added a conflicting enchantment to an item or got bad enchantments...
With this, the usefulness of the Fortune enchantment makes it an essential part of everyMinecraftplayer’s enchantment list for their tools. However, the fundamental question that remains, especially from newerMinecraftplayers, is “Will axes enchanted with Fortune drop more wood blocks when chopping...
Boots Enchantment List Compass Enchantment List Fishing Rod Enchantment List Axe Enchantment List Pickaxe Enchantment List Shovel Enchantment List Hoe Enchantment List Shears Enchantment List Elytra Enchantment List Shield Enchantment List Trident Enchantment List Crossbow Enchantment List Flint and Steel Enchantm...
Fortune (I-III) This option increases the drop of certain mined items. It’s incredibly useful when mining ores, especially rare ones like diamonds. Silk Touch (I) This enchantment allows players to mine and obtain otherwise unobtainable blocks. Some examples are Ender Chests, Bee Nests, and...
A pickaxe withFortune 2has a chance to multiply drops by 2 or 3 with a 25 % chance each. The formula for the average amount of drop increase is(1 / (level + 2)) + ((level + 1) / 2), wherelevelis the level of the enchantment. ...
Enchantment type: Level: Did you enjoy this creation? Click on a star to rate it! Submit Rating Average rating3.4/ 5. Vote count:175 Submit Feedback Do you like Minecraft Maps? Hey, I'm Cimap! I love to amaze thousands of Minecraft players withmy creations. Don't miss them out!
{"function":"minecraft:apply_bonus","enchantment":"minecraft:fortune","formula":"minecraft:uniform_bonus_count","parameters":{"bonusMultiplier":2}},{"function":"set_count","count":{"min":1,"max":2}},{"function":"minecraft:explosion_decay"}],"name":"minecraft:diamond"}]}]}]} steel...