You can't create items with huge enchantments using chat commands in the Minecraft Bedrock edition. The most you can do is enchant an item up to its regular limit. For example, the maximum regular level of Fortune a pickaxe can have is3. Fortune 3 You can give yourself a netherite pickax...
Take a look at the picture above to distinguish them! Fully formed Amethyst Clusters drop two Minecraft Amethyst Shards when broken with any other tool, and four when mined with a pickaxe. The number of Amethyst Shards that drop can further increase by using the Fortune enchantment. If you ...
You can enchant weapons and tools in Minecraft to improve their attributes. In the Java edition, each level of Sharpness adds more damage to a weapon according to the formula0.5 * level + 0.5, wherelevelis the level of the enchantment. This means a sword enchanted withSharpness 100will deal...
In Minecraft, you can enchant a golden shovel with the following enchantments:EnchantmentDescription Curse of Vanishing Cursed item will disappear after player dies Efficiency Increases how fast you can mine Fortune Increases block drops from mining Mending Uses xp to mend your tools, weapons and ...
In Minecraft, you can enchant a netherite shovel with the following enchantments:EnchantmentDescription Curse of Vanishing Cursed item will disappear after player dies Efficiency Increases how fast you can mine Fortune Increases block drops from mining Mending Uses xp to mend your tools, weapons and ...
Fortune 3:if you are mining for diamonds, you want to enchant your pickaxe to fortune three. This is because a pickaxe with fortune three gives you a chance to mine four diamonds from one diamond ore If you also want some advice on crafting your dream Minecraft home, we have a greatMine...
In Minecraft, you can enchant a stone hoe with the following enchantments: EnchantmentDescription Curse of VanishingCursed item will disappear after player dies EfficiencyIncreases how fast you can mine FortuneIncreases block drops from mining
In Minecraft, you can enchant a netherite axe with the following enchantments:EnchantmentDescription Bane of Arthropods Increases attack damage against arthropods Curse of Vanishing Cursed item will disappear after player dies Efficiency Increases how fast you can mine Fortune Increases block drops from ...
In Minecraft, you can enchant a stone pickaxe with the following enchantments: EnchantmentDescription Curse of VanishingCursed item will disappear after player dies EfficiencyIncreases how fast you can mine FortuneIncreases block drops from mining ...
In Minecraft, you can enchant a golden pickaxe with the following enchantments:EnchantmentDescription Curse of Vanishing Cursed item will disappear after player dies Efficiency Increases how fast you can mine Fortune Increases block drops from mining Mending Uses xp to mend your tools, weapons and ...