id:'lyg:steel_ingot'中的modid为你数据包命名空间(也就是数据包ID),steel_ingot为注册的物品ID。 CustomModelData:12940001,该数值建议为12340000-12349999之间,用于资源包检测来自定义贴图。 进入游戏,输入/loot give @s loot ,如果看到了你注册的物品,说明你第一步已经成功了。 例 第二步:自定义材质 首先...
·将“1.21更新”中的实验性内容加入到游戏内。 ·物品堆叠组件 custom_data、战利品表函数set_custom_data和组件谓词custom_data现在可指定为SNBT字符串以在JSON格式中保存参数类型信息。 ·将注册表decorated_pot_patterns重命名为decorated_pot_pattern。 移除了复数的标签文件夹名称。 ·重命名以下数据包文件夹: ·...
CUSTOM PREDICATES 自定义判据 Condition part of loot tables can now be defined as separate data pack resource in predicates directory. 战利品表的条件部分现在可以单独定义为数据包的资源,放置在 predicates 目录下。 LOOT TABLES 战利品表 LOCATION_CHECK location_check New parameters added: 新增加的参数: off...
"minecraft:loot": "<path_to_behavior_pack>/loot_tables/customblockloot.json" 意見反應 即將登場:在 2024 年,我們將逐步淘汰 GitHub 問題作為內容的意見反應機制,並將它取代為新的意見反應系統。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱:。 提交並檢視相關的意見反應 本頁 ...
The vast majority of structures use vanilla loot tables for better mod compatibility. However, they also use some custom loot tables to integrate said structures into the world better. You will still find pillager outpost loot in pillager outposts, profession chests in villages, as well as bells...
Custom servers can enable or disable chat preview for certain clients by sending a new network packet 自定义服务器可向特定的客户端发送一个数据包来启用或禁用聊天预览 When enabled, a server-controlled preview appears above the chat edit box, showing how the message will look when sent ...
Battletowers- Various battletowers will now spawn all throughout the world with my custom loot tables, the loot getting far better the higher you go. Beware of the tower guardian though at the top, guarding the best loot. Baubles (new rings, toolbelt, amulets)- New inventory for adding ri...
Create a Custom NPC NPC Dialogue Command Loot and Trading Tables Discover how Tables allow creators to add items to the world in a wide variety of ways. Introduction to Loot Tables Loot Overloads Learn about Loot Overloads Adding new Custom Blocks ...
[16:11:33] [main/INFO]: [MixinConfig] Not adding music_improvements.TryCustomMusicMixin[16:11:33] [main/INFO]: [MixinConfig] Not adding devenv.FixDevAuthSpamMixin[16:11:33] [main/WARN]: @Mixin target net/minecraft/class_2474$class_5124 is public in fabric-tag-extensions-v0.mixins....