Obsidian Destroyer决定了服务器是否可以允许你TNT炸掉别人筑墙的各种材料,比如多少下TNT可以炸掉黑曜石 (一般设定4-6下),这点很重要, 因为别人家的基地一旦圈起是无法修改的,想进去只能通过TNT/creeper/还有各种bug(之后讨论)。。。如果服务器不允许你炸掉某种block,意味着富有的大公会可能早已建成了你永远也抢不...
In the latest version of Minecraft Bedrock Edition and Education Edition, theentity valuefor a creeper iscreeper. Thecreeperentity has a unique set of spawn events that can be used in Minecraft commands such as:/summonand/event. (The spawn event parameter is called spawnEvent in the Minecraft ...
flow(水的流动);creeper(JJ怪 爆炸);tnt(tnt爆炸);monsters(怪物出生);animals(动物出生);subzone(子空 间);healing(治疗)。 piston(活塞)(活塞不适用于单人命令)③true/false是权限状态,若输入true则为开启,false则为关闭,也可简写为t或f。单人权限设置 拿 destroy 来举例 输入 /res pset 领地名字 玩家名字...
Is applied when spectating from the perspective of a creeperCan also be applied using Super Secret SettingsNew "spider" shader (spider.json), applies octuple visionIs applied when spectating from the perspective of a spiderCan also be applied using Super Secret SettingsAchievementNew achievement ...
Common monster mobs can spawn in almost any biome in the Overworld (except for mushroom fields or deep dark). They can spawn on the surface and underground. The weight determines the spawn rate in the Bedrock Codebase. Mobs Weight Group size Zombie 100 2-4 Creeper 100 Individually ...
为minecraft:spawn_entity 加入了 spawn_item_event 事件,生成物品时会调用该事件 Attribute "speed_multiplier" in the "minecraft:boostable" component is now being parsed correctly from json file. Old behavior is maintained for "format_version" lower than 1.20 with 1.35 value rather than what the jso...
// A function that spawns a creeper and triggers it to explode immediately import { DimensionLocation } from '@minecraft/server'; import { MinecraftEntityTypes } from '@minecraft/vanilla-data'; function spawnExplodingCreeper(location: DimensionLocation) { const creeper = location.dimension.spawnEnti...
identifier: string Identifier of the type of entity to spawn. If no namespace is specified, 'minecraft:' is assumed. location: Vector3 The location at which to create the entity. options?: SpawnEntityOptions = null Returns Entity - Newly created entity at the specified location....
/execute positioned 2.4 -1.1 3.8 align yxz run spawnpoint @p ~ ~ ~:当前执行位置为(2.4, -1.1, 3.8),将最近玩家的出生点设置为(2, -2, 3)。 /execute align y run tp ~ ~ ~:把自己的Y坐标微调,向下取整。anchored将执行基准点设置为实体的脚部或眼部,默认为脚部。语法...