加载提示(Loading Tips)是基岩版和原主机版在加载世界时显示的一段提示语。 以下是当前使用的部分加载提示。 以下是在水域更新的基础上添加的加载提示。 以下是首批加入的加载提示,只应用于水域更新之前的版本。 以下是玩家使用基岩版Beta时,代替常规提示出现的加载提示
The Copper Golem,Better Squids,The Sniffer,Better Zombies,Better Skeletons,Collective Creepers,Porkier Pigs,Porkier Piglins,The Great Hunger,Better Illagers,The Glare,Better Silverfish & Endermite,Better Spiders,Golems Galore,Puffier Pandas,Pesky Parrots,Cluckier Chickens,Better Endermen ,Meow Society,...
生物 Creepers no longer lose aggro immediately after losing sight of its target (MCPE-32815) 苦力怕丢失目标后不会立刻丢失仇恨了 Ghast hitbox now matches its rendering (MCPE-44326) 恶魂的碰撞箱不会偏移了 Fixed the "MeleeAttackGoal" to allow entities to hit target entities beneath them 修复了 "...
Collective Creepers x Fresh Animationsby creepermax123 Better Endermen x Fresh Animationsby creepermax123 Barely Default x Fresh Animationsby MushirMickeyJoe Reimagined | Fresh Animations Patchby Reijvi Mixed Up X FAby Im_MEMIEST Xaeros Minimap FA Icons fixby Diclo ...
Axolotls come in a variety of colors, all with an equal chance of spawning except for blue. ...
Creepers have a chance to spawn with the ability to ignore walls, breach, walking while exploding or the ability to throw themselves at the target. Drowneds Swimming Drowned swimming is faster and uses the swim speed attibute instead of the movement speed one. Also the AI for swimming should...
This Addon replaces (Cave) Spider, Enderman, and Skeletons with husks/zombies. The loot from the Zombies is the same as the mob it replaced. This allows for a Zombie Apocalypse. Also, not to have the annoyance of creepers and spiders but still get gunpowder, string, arrows, bones, and ...
are 16 blocks away from them. If they are hit with a status effect, an AOE cloud will surround the creeper. Creepers are never attacked by mobs other than withers, snow golems and a vindicator named “Johnny”. They will retaliate against stray attacks only if they are not chasing a ...
Blocks, animals, mobs, dungeons and even creepers halfway through exploding can appear! Survive in a world that is constantly expanding, providing infinite possibilities for unique worlds! You can even enjoy a custom and very unique ender dragon boss battle! The map is capable of generating ...
Creepers no longer lose aggro immediately after losing sight of its target (MCPE-32815) 苦力怕丢失目标后不会立刻丢失仇恨了 Ghast hitbox now matches its rendering (MCPE-44326) 恶魂的碰撞箱不会偏移了 Fixed the "MeleeAttackGoal" to allow entities to hit target entities beneath them ...