简介:演示版本:基岩版(Windows): 演;更多实用攻略教学,爆笑沙雕集锦,你所不知道的游戏知识,热门游戏视频7*24小时持续更新,尽在哔哩哔哩bilibili 视频播放量 19345、弹幕量 6、点赞数 923、投硬币枚数 278、收藏人数 495、转发人数 93, 视频作者 Minecraft菠
Enchantments such as Fire Aspect or Frostbite require your weapon cooldown to be near full to activate. Coyote Bite Entities can be attacked for a few ticks after they leave your crosshair, Enchantment Descriptions Enchantments display what they do under their name. ...
Mod LoadersView all Forge NeoForge Categories Technology Create Storage Addons Main File 1.19.2 CEI 1.2.9.e for Create 1.19.2-0.5.1.f ReleaseR 1.19.2 Forge May 14, 2024 Recent FilesView all Minecraft 1.20 CEI 1.2.9.d for Create 1.20.1-0.5.1.f ReleaseR 1.20.1 NeoForgeForge + 1 May...
Enchantments provide everything from buffness and toughness to swiftness. You can also enchant them to be a Hellhound with extra health or you can create a Resurrection wolf that teleports back to you after it dies. If you’ve always wanted a dog as a pet, this may be your next best t...
我的世界基岩版Raiyon的更多附魔V1.2.2汉化版(附下载链接)/More Enchantments 11:38 [Addon]挑战新BOSS!我的世界1.20更多BOSS模组-欧贝隆V1.0汉化版(附下载链接)/Oberon/我的世界国际基岩版模组介绍 04:55 [Addon]物品信息显示?基岩版1.20辅助类模组Waio高亮显示V1.0.2汉化版(附下载链接)/手机国际版WAILA模组...
Ma Enchants Mod 1.20.5 – 1.19.4 for Minecraft. First of all, the introduction of this tool can be explained in words but the utility is something that can not be described easily. Additionally, this modification helps a great deal to add enchantments in the items and make them stronger....
描述 描述实体类型枚举值,主要用于API文档中的CreateEntity功能class EntityConst: TYPE_LVOBJ = "lvobj" TYPE_ENTITY = "entity" TYPE_MONSTER = "monster" TYPE_PLAYER = "player" TYPE_BULLET = "bullet" TYPE_SFX = "sfx" TYPE_BUFF = "buff" TYPE_PARTICLE = "particle" TYPE_EFFECT = "effect" ...
Enchanted books can be combined to create a single book with multiple enchantments. Screenshot by Pro Game Guides Additionally, two Enchanted Books of the same enchantment and level can be combined to create one Enchanted Book containing the next highest level of that enchantment. Screenshot by ...
10. custom shields with custom models. 11. 3d weapons and items. 12. custom animations like you can animate your own models and mobs. 13. make it to where guns use ammo to actually fire, so you can give it bow enchantments and add the foil option for guns. also, make it...
物品的一般属性!(tons of item stats!)Display Name and Lore > 物品的显示名称与描述 Enchantments ...