[17:30:02] [pool-4-thread-1/FATAL]: Mixin apply failed create_enchantment_industry.mixins.json:AbstractFurnaceBlockEntityMixin -> net.minecraft.world.level.block.entity.AbstractFurnaceBlockEntity: org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.throwables.InvalidMixinException @Shadow field recipesUsed was not...
We've supercharged Create: Enchantable Machinery with a fantastic update! Now, our mod seamlessly meshes with enchants from other mods, bringing you greater flexibility in enchanting. Brace yourselves for enchantments never seen before! Example of integration with other mods: Majrusz's Enchantments'...
undead_killed, villager_killed, raider_killed, exorcism, zombify, consume_soul, capture_soul, free_soul, pray_on_grave, pray_of_protection, use_disenchantment, use_recycling, use_repairing, use_vanishing, revive_familiar, tomb_raiding, sneak_grave, create_ancient_tablet, kill_undead_boss, steal...
Enchantments provide everything from buffness and toughness to swiftness. You can also enchant them to be a Hellhound with extra health or you can create a Resurrection wolf that teleports back to you after it dies. If you’ve always wanted a dog as a pet, this may be your next best t...
Enchantments 附魔 Removed MinecraftEnchantmentTypes class. Use MinecraftEnchantmentTypes from @minecraft/vanilla-data module for minecraft version specific information. 移除了 MinecraftEnchantmentTypes 类,使用来自 @minecraft/vanilla-data 模型和 Minecraft 版本信息的 MinecraftEnchantmentTypes Added support for "stri...
Ma Enchants Mod 1.20.5 – 1.19.4 for Minecraft. First of all, the introduction of this tool can be explained in words but the utility is something that can not be described easily. Additionally, this modification helps a great deal to add enchantments in the items and make them stronger....
This is an addon created by a simple schoolboy who once wanted to learn how to create cool addons. The idea of this addon was inspired by Activision games, and the mod for Minecraft Java - Vic's Modern Warfare.Why should you choose this addon? This is one of the biggest, if not the...
Apotheosis leans into Minecraft's approach to magic instead of replacing it, by enhancing everything from potions to enchanting. You'll be able to craft potions you can turn on and off in the form of charms, create powerful new enchantments based on what arcane objects you can surround your...
Weapon enchantments include Sharpness I, Knockback I, Power I and Punch I 武器附魔包括锋利 I, 击退 I, 力量 I 以及冲击 I Mobs that wear equipment no longer have a chance to drop their equipment on death 穿着装备的生物现在有机会在被击败之后掉落装备 ...
Enchanting Plus is a simple mod that removes the random aspect of enchanting from Minecraft and allows you to fully customise your enchantments. When you open an enchanting table you will see the Enchanting Plus screen where you can create your perfect enchantment! Press the E button to enchant...