文章分类: MOD· 新物品Mod 自定义附魔台是一个生存休闲冒险类的模组,为了让玩家能给物品附上心仪的附魔效果,不用再苦恼附魔台随机的附魔太差,附魔书难以获取等问题。在对物品的附魔不满意时还能清除物品的附魔,甚至还提供了用经验修复物品的功能。 模组新增方块: -自定义附魔台 自定义附魔台提供的功能: -最多...
A: I intend to, but I'm quite busy with my work and can't make any promises. Nevertheless, you can leave comments about the mods for which you'd like me to create enchantment icons, and I'll check them out when I have time. (I would be overwhelmed if a mod had 50 enchantments!
minecraftresourcepackpixelartminecraftmodtexturepack UpdatedJul 14, 2016 StellarWind22/Fabric-Shield-Lib Star42 Code Issues Pull requests Library for easily adding new shields, shield enchantments, and enabling you to enchant shields in general without worry of conflictions. ...
RainbowEnchant – Makes your enchantments rainbow colored (client-side only) Dinnerbone – Flips you upside down (client-side only) BarrierVision – Allows you to see barrier blocks CustomF3 – Modify the F3 debug menu StaticVision – Statically modify and lock your FOV ...
It also introduces a perk system : the Knowledge of Death, and a magic system based on some enchantable items with the help of the Souls haunting the Decorative Graves and waiting for a way to be freed for their eternal sentence.
Protect against mod crashes when checking for enchantable items - mezz Add access to IIngredientManager from recipe catalyst registration - mezz organize some network code into subprojects - mezz Refactor server connection logic into its own class - mezz ...
/enchant附魔玩家的物品。 /execute执行另一命令。 /experience给予玩家经验。 /fill将某个区域填满特定方块。 /function运行一个函数。 /gamemode更改玩家的游戏模式。 /gamerule更改或查询游戏规则值。 /give给予玩家物品。 /help提供命令使用帮助。 /kill杀死实体(玩家、生物、物品等)。 /list列出服...
RainbowEnchant – Makes your enchantments rainbow colored (client-side only) Dinnerbone – Flips you upside down (client-side only) BarrierVision – Allows you to see barrier blocks CustomF3 – Modify the F3 debug menu StaticVision – Statically modify and lock your FOV ...
# 实验 - 以下设置块的ID列表将作为检查的“箱子”和“使用”标志的使用,当使用MOD自定义箱子和物品时. CustomContainers: [] CustomBothClick: [] CustomRightClick: [] # 这个是世界flag,不在领地中时 Flags: Global: #下面这些为世界总体默认flag设置, 这会覆盖各个组的设置 ...
- durability and enchantability displayed - displays ingredient’s primary uses 14 Moar Boats 180 votes Creator: jglrxavpok - boats can now be used for transporting goods - place point on map for boats to travel back an forth - tether boats together for more storage 15 Minecraft Comes Alive...