Welcome to Create, a mod offering a variety of tools and blocks for Building, Decoration and Aesthetic Automation. The added elements of tech are designed to leave as many design choices to the player as possible. With Create, the game isn't played inside a bunch of UIs, it challenges you...
1机械动力(Create)今日指数:8411 2[Mek] 通用机械 (Mekanism) 3[NTM/HBM] HBM的核科技 (HBM's Nuclear Tech Mod) 4[AE2] 应用能源2 (Applied Energistics 2) 5[GT5] 格雷科技5 (GregTech 5) 6[GT6] 格雷科技6 (GregTech 6) 7[IC2] 工业时代2 (Industrial Craft 2) 8[IE] 沉浸工程 (Immersive...
Hey everyone, I’m Alpha Craft! I’ve created an awesome, all-ages-friendly Waifu Mod. Maybe I’ll add some boyfus in the next update!This add-on can run, attack, be tamed, and has... ByCyredib Published on 11 Feb, 2025
KubeJS Create (by LatvianModder) Antique Atlas (by Hunternif) Item Filters (by LatvianModder) Cloth Config API (by shedaniel) Shutup Experimental Settings! (by Corgi_Taco) Storage Drawers (by Texelsaur) Architect's Palette (by Jsburg) ...
再点击右侧的 Create new Zone 名称可以设置 你喜欢的名字只能为数字和字母 选择一个方便记忆的一级域名这里选择dynv6.net IP地址先不设置 之后会设置解析 创建 创建完成后会自动切换到该域名的配置页面选择Records选项卡添加 记录类型选择SRV 填写 Name
V2: Select version for changelog: 1.0.2 Changelog . Installation If you are a content creator, please create a link to this page Downloads Mcpack Villager_army_v2.mcaddon (207.89 KB) Supported Minecraft versions 1.18.20 1.18.10 1.18
3.在itemBook包中新建ChangePageButton类,用来实现我们的页面跳转:ChangePageButton.javapackage com.joy187.re8joymod.common.items.itemBook; import com.joy187.re8joymod.Utils; import net.minecraft.client.gui.widget.button.Button; import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation; import net.minecraft.util....
开始赢得LearnToMod徽章 10 在Minecraft中载入你的模组 11 熟悉编程环境 15 编写你的第 一个Minecraft模组 18 在Minecraft中运行你的第 一个模组 23 编写你自己的Minecraft模组 25 和你的朋友分享你的模组 28 项目二:赢取模组徽章 30 利用函数编写模组代码 30 获得Scramble徽章 33 获取Saying Hello的徽章:被打乱的...
关于下载模组那些破事..我在Macbook Air上下载了HMCL的启动器,可是不会用模组就是不会用mod,求各位小哥哥小姐姐教教我
Type %appdata% and press “Enter” key or click OK. The “Mods” folder is created automatically when you install Forge or Fabric, but you can always create it manually. Open the launcher and select the desired modloader. Launch the game and enjoy the new gameplay. Ready!