3[NTM/HBM] HBM的核科技 (HBM's Nuclear Tech Mod) 4[AE2] 应用能源2 (Applied Energistics 2) 5[GT5] 格雷科技5 (GregTech 5) 6[IC2] 工业时代2 (Industrial Craft 2) 7[GT6] 格雷科技6 (GregTech 6) 8[IE] 沉浸工程 (Immersive Engineering) 9[GT6U] 格雷科技6非官方版 (GregTech 6 Unoffi...
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ByAlpha Craft Published on 11 Feb, 2025 2.7 WAIFU MOD Hey everyone, I’m Alpha Craft! I’ve created an awesome, all-ages-friendly Waifu Mod. Maybe I’ll add some boyfus in the next update!This add-on can run, attack, be tamed, and has... ...
Bookshelf 前置核心Mod由作者“DarkhaxDev”所制作。 该mod添加了可用于多个不同模块的可重复使用代码,并提供了各种针对服务器细节进行调整的功能。 阅读更多 » 我的世界1.19.4-1.9.4附魔描述 Enchantment Descriptions Mod下载 2023年3月20日MOD大全2
If the mod pack becomes widely popular, I already have more plans for the mod pack, otherwise, if it's really not that entertaining for most people, I'll decide to drop it and continue busy with life. One of the future plan if it gets popular is will be adding more building types,...
The list below is a bit outdated (originally for 1.11.2 RLCraft) but all mods this pack uses can be found here:https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/rlcraft/relations/dependencies (old 1.11.2 list) Advanced Hook Launchers (by EnderLanky) ...
铃木寿喜烧创建的收藏夹Minecraft!内容:【Minercraft】天呐!书架居然可以做这么细节?!10 Wooden Bookshelf Designs |作者:YalChu's Home,如果您对当前收藏夹内容感兴趣点击“收藏”可转入个人收藏夹方便浏览
我的世界1.12.2-1.2.5NEI物品管理器 Not Enough Items Mod由作者“covers1624”所制作,是功能非常丰富的辅助类Mod。 在TMI和Recipe Book的启发下开发,既是内置的修改器,也提供了强大的非 … 阅读更多 » 我的世界1.12.2-1.4.7铁路 Railcraft Mod下载 ...
Galacticraft is a Minecraft mod that adds an entirely new dimension to the game – space travel. Developed byMicdoodle8, Galacticraft allows players to build their own custom spacecraft, blast off into space, and explore various celestial bodies within our solar system. From the Moon toMars, as...
This Cocricot Mod Addon include resource pack enhances the game's visual appeal and makes it adorable ♡ Cocricot mod download Android and easily import directly into your game