Type of item to create. See the {@link @minecraft/vanilla-data.MinecraftItemTypes} enumeration for a list of standard item types in Minecraft experiences. amount?: number = 1 Number of items to place in the stack, between 1-255. The provided value will be clamped to the item's maximum ...
ScriptEventMessageFilterOptions StructureCreateOptions StructurePlaceOptions TeleportOptions TitleDisplayOptions Vector2 Vector3 VectorXZ WorldSoundOptions Behavior Pack JSON Files Resource Pack JSON Files Molang Default Minecraft Listings Raw Message JSON ...
Crafting four Pottery Sherds together will create a Decorated Pot with a picture on each side 可以使用四片纹样陶片合成一个饰纹陶罐,它每面都有一个图案 Brick items can be used instead of Pottery Sherds in the Decorated Pot recipe 砖可以在饰纹陶罐的合成过程中代替纹样陶片 The sides that were ma...
Number of the items in the stack. Valid values range between 1-255. The provided value will be clamped to the item's maximum stack size. Type:number Notes: This property can't be edited in read-only mode. This property can throw errors when used. ...
11. Create a Village with Structure Blocks Concepts Game Logic Assets and Sound Worlds Entities and Particles Items and Recipes Blocks Tools and Libraries Reference Documentation Contribute Tips for Using This Site 下載PDF 閱讀英文 儲存 共用方式為 ...
Advanced Pick Block now copies the items inside when used on a Boat with Chest (MCPE-153410)高...
Using the touch interface, holding the output slot on the Stonecutter or Loom will now rapidly craft items (MCPE-128423) 在使用触摸屏时,只要长按切石机或织布机的输出槽,就可以快速制作物品 (MCPE-128423) Fixed an incorrect popup when attempting to activate a pack with a missing dependency (MCPE...
Cauldrons can now be used to hold Lava Added tags - custom tags can be applied to entities and players to create more flexible selector groupings Added "has_tag" filter in components to allow checks to see if an entity has a specified tag ...
特征 添加红树林沼泽生物群落 添加红树林 增加红树林块 添加泥浆和泥砖块 增加粘土可再生性 添加青蛙和蝌蚪...
Those looking for a more in-depth option might want to check outNovaSkin. An already comprehensive color range is further enhanced with additional filter options such as brightness, contrast, and many more options. An extensive pose system also ensures your creations always look great. ...