Features of Item Filters Mod: NOT – Inverts child filter (not Apple) OR – Matches if any child filter matches (Apple or Carrot) AND – Matches if all children filters match (Diamond Sword and enchanted) XOR – Matches if either of filters A and B match, but not both (“dyeBlue” ...
EntityFilter EntityHitInformation EntityQueryOptions EntityQueryPropertyOptions EntityQueryScoreOptions EntityRaycastHit EntityRaycastOptions EqualsComparison ExplosionOptions GreaterThanComparison GreaterThanOrEqualsComparison ItemCustomComponent LessThanComparison LessThanOrEqualsComparison MusicOptions NotEqualsComparison ...
EntityFilter EntityHitInformation EntityQueryOptions EntityQueryPropertyOptions EntityQueryScoreOptions EntityRaycastHit EntityRaycastOptions EqualsComparison ExplosionOptions GreaterThanComparison GreaterThanOrEqualsComparison ItemCustomComponent LessThanComparison ...
lockMode: ItemLockMode; Gets or sets the item's lock mode. The default value isItemLockMode.none. Type:ItemLockMode Notes: This property can't be edited in read-only mode. This property can throw errors when used. Throws if the slot's container is invalid. ...
A BlockVolume is a simple interface to an object which represents a 3D rectangle of a given size (in blocks) at a world block location. Note that these are not analogous to "min" and "max" values, in that the vector components are not guaranteed to be in any order. ...
继续查看getItemFromBlock方法的实现,发现它最终是从BLOCK_TO_ITEM这个Map里面获取值的,显然,这个Map是和Registry相关了。那么我们刨根问底,看看这个Map到底是怎么被创建的。 N种注册方块的方式 在这之前,让我们先回忆一下如何去注册一个方块。 注册方块,诸多小伙伴开发mod的第一步,众多模组也再这方面大显神通,对方...
Any item in a Glow Item Frame is perfectly illuminated, even at night!Glow Ink Sac and Glowing...
Item filter spigot plugin This plugin was created to act as a filter between what items you do and don't pick up while wondering about. This is very useful when it comes to PvP, grinding, farming, etc. when there are random loots on the ground you don't want to pick up. Features ...
itemRenderer.renderAndDecorateItem(minecraft.player, filterStack, x, y, 0)" itemRender.renderItemOverlayIntoGUI(mc.fontRenderer, stack, x, y, null)■■■itemRenderer.renderGuiItemDecorations(mc.font, stack, x, y, null) Minecraft.getMinecraft().mcDataDir■■■Minecraft.getInstance().gameDirect...
// 表示这个feature是花的生成地// 随机生成,每个区块生成32朵,xz延伸6,y延伸2// 仅生在在空的地方,使用简单的simpleblock方式放置,放置方块是花朵。publicstaticfinal RegistryObject<ConfiguredFeature<?,?>>JASMINE=CONFIGURED_FEATURES.register("jasmine",()->newConfiguredFeature<>(Feature.FLOWER,newRandomPatch...