/gamemode 0生存/gamemode 1创造/gamemode 2冒险/locate village村庄/locate stronghold要塞/locate temple遗迹/locate fortress地狱堡/locate pillageroutpost前哨塔/locate monument海洋神殿/locate mansion林地府邸/locate mineshaft废弃矿井/locate endcity末地城记住@p是给予附近玩家,@a是给予全部玩家,@s是给予自己,@r是...
MC-248680 - The world freezes on superflat when using the locate command to find a pillager outpost MC-248680- 在超平坦世界使用 locate 指令寻找掠夺者前哨站时游戏会卡住 MC-248748 - Explorer maps leading to custom structures can cause the server to hang MC-248748- 指向自定义结构的探险家地图会...
4. **How can I locate the new structures?** You can use the `/locate` command to locate the new structures. For 1.18.2, you would use the following command: `/locate ctov:[structure_from_list]` For 1.19+, you would use the following command: `/locate structure ctov:[structure_fro...
MC-139706- Pillager-Outposts doesn't spawn in Superflat-Worlds 修复:掠夺者前哨站在超平坦世界中不生成。 MC-139756- Village has a pillager outpost 修复:掠夺者前哨站在村庄中生成。 MC-139841- Using /locate to find pillager outposts in a superflat world freezes the game 修复:使用/locate在超平坦...
Added the place command The locate command is now moved to locate structure, and locate biome is moved to locate biome. Added locate poi <type: point_of_interest_type=""></type:> Added the loot table function set_instrument The bundled Java runtime has been updated to 17.0.3 ...
For technical reasons, you need to know the seed of your world to use Pillager Outpost Finder, unless, of course, you want to find a seed for a new world. If you're playing SSP, the app is able to fetch the seed from your savegame. Alternatively, you can use the /seed command in...
MC-139756 - Village has a pillager outpost 修复:掠夺者前哨站在村庄中生成。 MC-139841 - Using /locate to find pillager outposts in a superflat world freezes the game 修复:使用/locate在超平坦世界中寻找掠夺者前哨站会导致游戏无响应。 MC-140307 - Curses on the second item are lost when repairi...
The Pillager Outpost in Minecraft have always looked a bit simple and somewhat weird; the splash of cobble in the middle of the build doesn't fit, the place doesn't have any security measures at all, and the block palette is not the best. That's why the Pillager Outpost has been trans...
these mangrove tree roots. They’re all tangled up! What do you mean they’re supposed to be...
描述 传送理由枚举值,用于WillTeleportToServerEvent事件class EntityTeleportCause(object): Unkown = "0" # 尚未具体分类,末影人自体传送目前归为此类 Projectile = "1" # 飞射物,类似末影珍珠 Command = "3" # op指令,类似传送指令 ChorusFruit = "2" # 吃紫颂果传送 Behavior = "4" # 微软原生脚本...