/locate bastion_remnant To find the coordinates of the nearest Witch Hut (must be in the Overworld dimension): Example in Java Edition (PC/Mac) 1.14 and 1.15 To find the coordinates of the nearest Pillager Outpost in Minecraft 1.14 and 1.15: /locate Pillager_Outpost Example in Java Edition ...
Locate a feature with optional new chunks only. /locate biome <biome: Biome> Arguments biome: Biome structure: Structure useNewChunksOnly:BooleanABooleanto specify whether to use new chunks only. Default:false. Enums Biome Values the_end ...
/locate structure <structure: StructureFeature> [useNewChunksOnly: Boolean] /locate biome <biome: Biome> Arguments biome: Biome structure: StructureFeature useNewChunksOnly:BooleanABooleanto specify whether to use new chunks only. Default:false. ...
/locate structure <structure: StructureFeature> [useNewChunksOnly: Boolean]/locate biome <biome: Biome>Argumentsbiome: Biome structure: StructureFeature useNewChunksOnly: Boolean A Boolean to specify whether to use new chunks only. Default: false....
Locate a feature with optional new chunks only. /locate biome <biome: Biome> Arguments biome: Biome structure: Structure useNewChunksOnly:BooleanABooleanto specify whether to use new chunks only. Default:false. Enums Biome Values the_end ...
/locate structure <structure: StructureFeature> [useNewChunksOnly: Boolean]/locate biome <biome: Biome>Argumentsbiome: Biome structure: StructureFeature useNewChunksOnly: Boolean A Boolean to specify whether to use new chunks only. Default: false....
Locate a feature with optional new chunks only. /locate biome <biome: Biome> Arguments biome: Biome structure: Structure useNewChunksOnly:BooleanABooleanto specify whether to use new chunks only. Default:false. Enums Biome Values the_end ...
Locate a feature with optional new chunks only. /locate biome <biome: Biome> Arguments biome: Biome structure: Structure useNewChunksOnly:BooleanABooleanto specify whether to use new chunks only. Default:false. Enums Biome Values the_end ...
/locate structure <structure: StructureFeature> [useNewChunksOnly: Boolean] /locate biome <biome: Biome> Arguments biome: Biome structure: StructureFeature useNewChunksOnly:BooleanABooleanto specify whether to use new chunks only. Default:false. ...
Locate a feature with optional new chunks only. /locate biome <biome: Biome> Arguments biome: Biome structure: Structure useNewChunksOnly:BooleanABooleanto specify whether to use new chunks only. Default:false. Enums Biome Values the_end ...