Uses: This command helps you to find the stronghold that is nearest to you. 13. Entity Counting Syntax: /testfor Uses: Counts all the entities and objects that are present in your world. 14. Manage your Team Syntax: /team Uses: This command provides several options that allow you to tak...
2. Go to options...->video settings...>quality and set "Random Mobs" to "OFF" 3. Restart Minecraft The brightness command Since version 1.0.5 there is a "Shadow World Brightness" command. This command changes the brightness. This is useful, when you can't see anything in the Shadow ...
The eye of ender just points to the stronghold, not the end portal. You might not see what you're looking for yet, but you're close.[11] 6 Find the portal room. They have a staircase with a silverfish spawner leading to a platform over a pool of lava. The end portal is on ...
First, you need switch to creative mode so you can fly. Later, search a place that its flat. That's were most villages appear. If they don't appear, try the acacia biome. Not Helpful 15 Helpful 27 Question Is there a command to teleport to the nearest village in Minecraft 1.10?