/gamemode 0生存/gamemode 1创造/gamemode 2冒险/locate village村庄/locate stronghold要塞/locate temple遗迹/locate fortress地狱堡/locate pillageroutpost前哨塔/locate monument海洋神殿/locate mansion林地府邸/locate mineshaft废弃矿井/locate endcity末地城记住@p是给予附近玩家,@a是给予全部玩家,@s是给予自己,@r是...
locatelocate限制条件 仅限服务器管理员第一次发布 1.11 (16w39a)为执行此命令的玩家在聊天窗口里显示给定类型的最近结构的坐标。格式locate <结构名称>参数结构类型指定要定位的结构。 必须是以下之一:EndCity (末地城)Fortress (下界要塞)Mansion (林地府邸)Mineshaft (废弃矿井)Monument (海底遗迹)Stronghold (要塞...
/locate现在接受之前在Temple分组下所有结构的不同名称Desert_Pyramid、Igloo、Jungle_Pyramid和Swamp_Hut。 18w08a 为/locate命令输出的坐标加入了可点击的传送链接(将传送命令输入至聊天窗口)。 18w19a /seed输出的种子现在可被直接通过点击来复制。 18w20a 组队现在可以有一个前缀和后缀。 pre7 加入了 /scoreboard ...
/locate Desert_Pyramid沙漠神殿/locate EndCity末地城/locate Fortress下界要塞/locate Igloo雪屋/locate Jungle_Pyramid丛林神庙/locate Mansion林地府邸/locate Mineshaft废弃矿井/locate Monument海底遗迹/locate Ocean_Ruin海底废墟/locate Pillager_Outpost掠夺者前哨站/locate Shipwreck沉船/locate Stronghold要塞/locate Swam...
描述 描述原版结构特征类型的枚举值,主要用于API文档中feature组件中LocateStructureFeature接口的传入参数class StructureFeatureType(object): Unknown = 0 EndCity = 1 Fortress = 2 Mineshaft = 3 Monument = 4 Stronghold = 5 Temple = 6 Village = 7 WoodlandMansion = 8 Shipwreck = 9 BuriedTreasure = 10...
locate 建筑id 建筑id如下: endcity-末地城 fortress-地狱堡垒 mansion-林地府邸 mineshaft-废弃矿井 monument-海底遗迹 stronghold-遗迹 temple-神殿/沼泽小屋/雪屋 village-村庄 /list 列出服务器中的玩家 具体用法: list 直接输入 可以列出服务器当前玩家列表 /me 显示一条以自己为主角的信息 具体用法: me 信息 ...
First, exit the server and locate the Minecraft game directory that you're using to play on the server. In the game directory, go intoxaero/world-map/Multiplayer_[server_address]/DIM-1/[map_folder]. In older versions,xaero/world-mapis simplyXaeroWorldMap. If such doesn't exist already,...
展开7条回复 幻曲☁︎𓆝𓆟𓆜𓆞 ... /enchant @s Sharpness/give @p light_block/locate stronghold/give @p border_block/sunmmon ende_crystal/give @p barrier-/give @p structure_void[看][看][看][看][看][看][看][看][看] ...
MC-139841- Using /locate to find pillager outposts in a superflat world freezes the game 修复:使用/locate在超平坦世界中寻找掠夺者前哨站会导致游戏无响应。 MC-140307- Curses on the second item are lost when repairing in a grindstone 修复:使用砂轮修复装备时,第二件装备的“诅咒”附魔会被移除。
Stronghold This is one of the (if notthe) most difficult structures to locate. For a world with more surface area than planet Earth, only having 128 strongholds that generate deep underground makes it seem nearly impossible to locate. Luckily, eyes of ender are what give the player a shot ...