我的世界Minecraft Comes Alive虚拟人生MOD[1.12.2] 虚拟人生Minecraft Comes Alive Mod这款模组是一个API将允许玩家自行制作的MODS与MCA之间的互动。MCA包含超过2000条对话,翻译成20种语言。有超过200个不同的皮肤可能对男性和女性的村民。你可以很容易的添加自己的皮肤或对话的模式。单一无聊的村民将会消失,虚拟人生...
模组推荐:凡家物语M..模组介绍:凡家物语Minecraft Comes Alive1.此mod使Minecraft生机勃勃,你不会在单机模式感觉到孤单。(1)添加了多种新职业和皮肤(2)原版交易系统不变并且可以与他们聊天。
Once you're married, you can have children. Children will grow up over time and do many different chores for you. Children eventually grow up into adults, who can get married and have children of their own. You can marry other players and have children in SMP and LAN. ...
《我的世界》Minecraft Comes Alive Mod教程 从此告别Minecraft原版里无聊的村民和烦人的猪叫! MCA现在为MC游戏注入新的生命,模组将完全改变村民们,仿佛是从“穴居人”变成了真正的人类。 简单教程: 1.魔法水晶球 由于这个MOD是直接改变原版村庄,所以你必须去找寻村庄,村庄的生成几率和原版一致,不像村庄MOD一样到处...
黑夜降临之际,确保你做好一切准备,然后开始用打火石点燃每个黑曜岩柱顶端。当所有三个柱顶被点亮时,用同样的方法点燃翡翠块的顶端! 牢记:翡翠块必须最后被点亮。 法阵即成,死神降临。 以上就是关于我的世界Minecraft Comes Alive Mod教程分享的全部内容,希望能对大家有帮助...
Once you have a high level of friendship with the npc, you can see their status on the left-hand side of the interaction screen Personality Personalities are traits that NPCs are born with. They directly affect interactions with the npc, giving each one more originality. For example, an npc...
In single player as well as in multiplayer servers, you can marry other players and have children with them too! But most importantly be careful how you deal with villagers if you want to eventually court them. You wouldn’t want to mess up your chances of a healthy relationship! If you...
Mod Minecraft Comes Alive PE — this modification adds in the world Minecraft Pocket Edition new characters, which You can find in the local villages. You will have the opportunity to interact with new characters, different ways of communicating with ...
In reply to user_m7dci5bws7ycxx3v: make sure you have everything downloaded under the 1.12 version and you should have no issuesAngelcat2023 View user profile Send message January 19, 2025 6902742 I've been trying to play this mod but I couldn't because I can't find the pack in Bedr...
我的世界1.12.2-1.6.4虚拟人生 Minecraft Comes Alive Mod将我的世界单人或者多人的游戏模式转变为了RPG模式,玩家可以在游戏中以全新的方式与村民进行互动,让我的世界游戏变得生机勃勃,单人游戏不再孤独! 该模组基于真实生活进行模拟,结婚、家庭、孩子、工作,甚至雇佣村民为自己工作,村民是长相以及举止都像人类的男性...