Marriage is also incorporated, and players now have the ability to start the family they’ve always wanted in vanilla. Fill that huge empty house with something other than chests! The gender system has been given a great deal of detail. Villagers are now more pronounced with their gender, ...
Say goodbye to those annoying and ugly squidward-nosed villagers! Minecraft Comes Alive (MCA) completely replaces villagers with humans, and adds interactions, marriage, and babies! Hello there! It's been awhile! We're happy to announce the release of MCA 6.0.0-beta for Minecraft 1.12.2!
Minecraft Comes Alive (MCA) is a Minecraft mod that replaces Minecraft's villagers with normal player-like NPCs. It works in single player, LAN, and SMP. Villagers can be interacted with - you can talk to them, ask them to follow you, set their home, give them gifts, etc. Interacting...
COLLEGE OR MARRIAGE?! | Game Of LifePT.1 23:05 The Best Cats - Hide and Seek - VR 20:50 Catching My Husband! | Game Of LifePT.1 20:44 The TRUTH About Your Babies! | Game Of Life PT.2 30:13 A BOY OR A GIRL!? | Game Of Life PT.2 30:16 The One With The MOST...
模组推荐:凡家物语M..模组介绍:凡家物语Minecraft Comes Alive1.此mod使Minecraft生机勃勃,你不会在单机模式感觉到孤单。(1)添加了多种新职业和皮肤(2)原版交易系统不变并且可以与他们聊天。
COLLEGE OR MARRIAGE?! | Game Of LifePT.1 23:05 The Best Cats - Hide and Seek - VR 20:50 Catching My Husband! | Game Of LifePT.1 20:44 The TRUTH About Your Babies! | Game Of Life PT.2 30:13 A BOY OR A GIRL!? | Game Of Life PT.2 30:16 The One With The MOST...
虚拟人生MOD通过完全改变村民,变成真正的人类,给游戏赋予新的生活。 特性: 与全新的村民互动 添加13个 新职业 超过500 种不同的皮肤。 每个村民是拥有一个唯一的名字的男性或女性。 一个互动的菜单,允许较高程度的控制。 与村民交谈,有自我介绍,讲笑话, 送礼物等。 贸易 使用默认的Minecraft交易系统。 建立友谊...
我的世界1.12.2-1.6.4虚拟人生 Minecraft Comes Alive Mod将我的世界单人或者多人的游戏模式转变为了RPG模式,玩家可以在游戏中以全新的方式与村民进行互动,让我的世界游戏变得生机勃勃,单人游戏不再孤独! 该模组基于真实生活进行模拟,结婚、家庭、孩子、工作,甚至雇佣村民为自己工作,村民是长相以及举止都像人类的男性...
Happy Family - Comes Alive Features This is a very realistic addon with a lot of features for a girl or a guy There are several stages of the relationship up to marriage The wife has a feature of cooking, such as raw meat of Chicken, Beef, Mutton or Rabbi...
- Minecraft Comes Alive (Marriage and Socialization Villagers basically) - Optimization Mods (For those with already slow PCs) - A Surplus of New Mobs (Like way too many) - Insane, Bizzare Weather (Blizzards, Tornadoes, etc.) - Extremely Grueling Hardcore (Food and Water is a NEED) ...