Updated the '/clearall' command to also clear tests outside of loaded areas 现在"/clearall "命令可以清除加载区域外的测试 Dimension 维度 getEntitiesAtBlockLocation(location : BlockLocation) : Entity[] - Returns an array of all entities at the given block location getEntitiesAtBlockLocation(locati...
Updated the '/clearall ' command to also clear tests outside of loaded areas 现在"/clearall "命令可以清除加载区域外的测试 Dimension 维度 getEntitiesAtBlockLocation(location : BlockLocation) : Entity[] - Returns an array of all entities at the given block location getEntitiesAtBlockLocation(loca...
We do not want to clear all items that are on the floor in a loop, since players might accidentally drop their item when in a panic. Setting the PickupDelay of all items to 0 also does not work as you are still able to share items with other players this way by standing really clo...
Expanded the '/locate' command into locate structure and locate biome 扩展了 '/locate' 命令的功能...
To fully enjoy all new content, we also added some neat extras that can be disabled if unwanted. ▪ First column indicates if the command is usable without OP. ▪ To see more about permissions look inside ourdocumentation! ▾Command▾▾Description▾ ...
将clearVelocity(): void 移至1.2.0 Moved runCommand from beta to 1.2.0 将runCommand 从beta 移至 1.2.0 Moving getComponent(componentId: string): EntityComponent | undefined method to 1.2.0 将getComponent(componentId: string): EntityComponent | undefined 方法移至 1.2.0 Moving getComponents(): ...
A lightweight, customizable way to clear dropped items from your world or server. Inspired by the clearlag bukkit plugin.
These are the only items they can pick up, although the player may use the /item replace command to put a random item into a villager's inventory. Villagers can fill all 8 inventory slots with the same item. If a player and a villager are in the pickup range of an item at the ...
Dropped by goats that ram into hard blocks and can be used to make a variety of sounds! Can you find all eight variants? 山羊角由撞击坚硬方块的山羊掉落,它可以发出各种各样的声音!你能集齐全部的八种山羊角变体吗? New Music 新的音乐
Members Draylar1Owner License: Better Dropped Itemsis licensed under MIT. You are free to: look at and reuse the source code include in a modpack port to a different version or loader Better Dropped Items will remain Fabric exclusive. If you have any issues, suggestions, or feedback, head...