This mod will clear all item drop entities every 30 minutes helping to reduce lag on servers or private worlds. There are two commands in this mod: /startclearprocedure This will start the procedure to clear the entities. /stopclearprocedure This will stop the procedure from clearing more enti...
/effectAdd or clear status effects.Game DirectorsYes /enchantAdds an enchantment to a player's selected item.Game DirectorsYes /eventTriggers an event for the specified entity or entities.Game DirectorsYes /executeExecutes a command on behalf of one or more entities. See more information in the...
bind <KEYCODE> <COMMAND> {COMMANDPA–RABMinSd}s a key to a command clear – Clears the console damage – Turns player damage on/off descend – Moves you to the next platform below your position destroy [all] – Destroys the current item defuse [all] – Defuses any TNT nearby which ha...
Campfire now correctly drops 2 Charcoal instead of 4 when destroyed by the player (MCPE-159894)...
Expanded the '/locate' command into locate structure and locate biome 扩展了 '/locate' 命令的功能...
用法: /< command > < < meta param >|power [amount]|clear|fire [amount] > 别名: efirework 介绍: 开启/关闭上帝模式(不受伤害) 用法: /< command > [玩家] [on|off] 别名: egod,godmode,egodmode,tgm,etgm 介绍: 传送到视野尽头。 用法: /< command > 别名: j,ej,ejump,jumpto,ejumpto...
介绍: 把(手中|背包|全部方块)物品出售给系统。用法: /< command > < 物品名称|物品ID|hand|inventory|blocks > [-][数量]别名: esell mail 介绍: 查看/清除/发送 邮件。用法: /< command > [read|clear|send [to] [文本]|sendall [文本]]别名: email,eemail ...
ClearDrops 1.1.0 - The Death Protection Update Release R 1.19.2 Forge May 18, 2023 Members frycakesOwner Check out my other mods: Fry's Things Fry's Essentials You can contact me thru discord, my user is: lilyfry Here's my patreon just in case...
用法: /< command > < 物品名称|物品ID|hand|inventory|blocks > [-][数量] 别名: esell mail 介绍: 查看/清除/发送 邮件。 用法: /< command > [read|clear|send [to] [文本]|sendall [文本]] 别名: email,eemail me 介绍: 在接下来说的话中添加星号前缀。
Climb to the top of a mangrove tree and leap through the swamps with Frogs 来与青蛙一起爬上红树树顶,越过沼泽吧! Find allays to help gather items 寻找悦灵来帮你收集物品吧! Added several new music tracks to enjoy during gameplay 添加了一些新的音乐,在游玩过程中慢慢欣赏吧 ...