Advanced Genetics Mod Applied Energistics Artifice CurseForge, Forum Archim...
Can you port the mod to 1.xx.x? We will not be porting the mod until it is deemed complete. Can you make the mod for Pocket Edition? If you're asking this, you're probably too young to be getting into Changed... What mods are compatible?
Minecraft魔戒Mod中文维基原站创建于2015年9月,并于2020年6月搬迁至此。本维基由热爱魔戒mod的中国玩家群体所创建,并讨论发布一切有关汉化魔戒mod的信息。欢迎各位同样热爱魔戒mod并有意向帮助编辑本维基的玩家加入 | 交流QQ群:943059695
The "OptiFine" mod that supports "shaders" in-game which only changes the look. With different "shaders", Minecraft can look very different from Vanilla. Most mods add content to the game to altergameplay, fixbugs, change the creative feel, or give the player more options in how they i...
启用或禁用mod附魔系统(修饰系统)# 如果禁用,效果与上一条配置相同,对象换成原版附魔 B:"Enchanting: Vanilla System"=false启用或禁用原版附魔系统# 无论是否饥饿均能进食 B:"Feast Mode"=true启用或禁用盛宴模式# 强制显示/隐藏地图位置 # 0是默认,根据玩家的选择显示或隐藏 # 1是强制隐藏,2是强制显示 I:"...
Please refer to thewikifor tutorials on setting up, and using the API. How can I compile the mod? Without a IDE and assuming you havegitinstalled and Java 17 as your default java: Clone the repogit clone ...
Changed-m1.18.2-v0.13.1.jar Supported Versions 1.18.2 Curse Maven Snippet Curse Maven is a repository that simplifies including packages in projects Forge implementation fg.deobf("curse.maven:changed-minecraft-mod-661527:5270064") Copy to clipboard Curse Maven does not yet support mods that have...
Minecraft中文Wiki BiliGameWiki镜像站: 15、DigMinecraft: 16、MC 百科-MCMOD: 17、 18、Minecraft 插件百科: ...
改配置文件的也行数据包也行或者球大佬告诉我Cave Generator配置文件怎么改才能禁止洞穴生成或仅仅生成很少洞穴(平均16*16区块出现1~2个),改了好几个小时没效果版本1.16.5 forge,同时需要与terraforged、机械动力、沉浸工程等mod兼容 送TA礼物 1楼2024-08-07 09:10回复 ...