Changed:MC is a translation of the world of Changed by DragonSnow into Minecraft 1.18.2, inspired by alex_n_italy's Turned mod, it's built in mind with transfurring. It contains structures, blocks, latex creatures, emotes, and too many mixins. You can become one of these creatures and ...
【CHANGED】克林与普罗的MC-CHANGED生存-落幕之狼05 我的世界changed生存第二集上:我感觉我自己好水啊QAQ而且忘了箱子里面有装备,而我不去穿 MC-CHANGED模组生存-03 献给普罗的狼堡-我的世界-minecraft-AI配音 Boss Fight [Changed Berserk Deluxe] MC-CHANGED模组生存-02 黑胶兽的眼睛真难使-我的世界-minecraft...
2020 Bundle experiment, items filled in from the top without leaving any gaps. We changed this ...
Changed the text font of the placeholder text in the New Post menu 更改了新发布界面中占位符文本的字体 Changed the text from "A 10 Player Realm" to "10 Players" in the card for 10 Player Realm in the Settings -> Subscription Tab 将设置-订阅一栏中的 10 玩家 Realm 的卡片文本由 A 10 ...
L_Enders Cataclysm-0.51-changed Them -1.18.2 Release R 1.18.2 Forge Mar 2, 2023 Report Cataclysm is a mod that adds difficult dungeons, challenging boss-fights and powerful items. This mod's bosses are inspired by Minecraft Dungeons,
World settings can now be changed directly on Realms, just like local worlds 现在可像调整本地世界一样直接在Realms上调整世界设定 If you’re playing in South Korea, we added gameplay timers and notices in compliance with gaming laws to help remind players to take occasional breaks from gameplay ...
But I got error "The game crashed whilst initializing game; Error: org.lwjgl.LWJGLException: Pixel format not accelerated" Does the "minecraft java edition" cannot use on ALS GPU VM? else, Can we resolve the error on another trouble shooting ways? Thanks in advance Kwon...
12w06a Changed top model of door. Zombies can now break wooden doors. Doors have been changed to properly detect if they are open or closed. Placing two pressure plates directly in front of doors and stepping on them now opens them correctly. ...
Enjoy shaders for minecraft and whole Mincraft world will be changed with the Mod Realistic Shader. Mod Realistic Shader, where every texture and shaders for minecraft was design to the smallest detail, the sky and water got animation. All textures for Minecraft in the application are ...
v0.2.1 alpha2 The textures of oak and birch leaves have been changed. The textures were taken from Java Edition Alpha v1.1.2_01 and earlier. The textures of oak leaves in item form have been changed to pre-tinted leaves. v0.3.0 Oak leaves now drop their item form when broken with...