Campfire 营火 Candle Cake 插上蜡烛的蛋糕 Carpet 地毯 Carrots 胡萝卜 Cartography Table 制图台 Carved Pumpkin 雕刻过的南瓜 Cauldron 炼药锅 Cave Air 洞穴空气 Cave Vines 洞穴藤蔓 Cave Vines Plant 洞穴藤蔓植株 Chain 锁链 Chain Command Block 连锁型命令方块 Chalkboard 黑板 Chest 箱子 Chipped Anvil 开裂...
信标Beacon 营火Campfire- (灵魂营火Soul Campfire ) 已移除 生鱼Raw Fish- (熟鱼Cooked Fish ) 仅基岩版或教育版 下界反应核Nether Reactor Core 发光的黑曜石Glowing Obsidian
Campfire 營火 營火 Candle 蠟燭 蠟燭 Carrots 胡蘿蔔 紅蘿蔔 Cartography Table 製圖台 製圖台 Carved Pumpkin 雕刻過的南瓜 雕刻南瓜 Cauldron 鍋釜 鍋 Cave Air 洞穴空氣 洞穴空氣 Cave Vines 洞穴藤蔓 洞穴藤蔓 Cave Vines Plant 洞穴藤蔓植株 洞穴藤蔓植株 Chain 鎖鏈 鐵鏈...
篝火 Come one, come all, and toast your buns around the campfire! 围过来,在篝火边烤点心! Decorative fireplace without fire spread Cooks up to four foods, but slowly Acts as a smoke signal you can see very (VERY!) far away when a hay bale is below (hint: think note blocks!) Cosy ...
Campfire 营火 Cartography Table 制图台 Cat 猫 Composter 堆肥桶 Cornflower 矢车菊 Crossbow 弩 Fletching Table 制箭台 Fox 狐狸 Grindstone 砂轮 Hero of the Village 村庄英雄 Illager Beast 灾厄之兽 Illager Patrols 灾厄巡逻队 Jigsaw Block 拼图方块 Lantern 灯笼 Lectern 讲台 Lily of the Vall...
The crossbow and soul campfire recipes are no longer unlocked by sticks. 1.20(Experimental)1.19.4-pre1 The recipe for the decorated pot made of all bricks can now be found in the recipe book. 1.2023w12a The recipe for the decorated pot is now available without using the "Update 1.20" ex...
Campfire Chain Chest Conduit Ender Chest Iron Bars Ladder Lantern Scaffolding Sea Pickle Soul Lantern Trapped ChestwestDetermines whether something is on the west side of the block. State value Blocks Boolean (false or true) Fence (any, including nether brick) Glass Pane (including all stained...
Campfire Soul Campfire Anvil (3 stages) Composter (3 stages) Note Block Jukebox Enchanting Table End Crystal Cauldron (Empty, Water, Lava, and Snow) (4) Bell Beacon Lodestone Scaffolding (standing and floating) (2) Beehive Suspicious Sand (from Sand) ...
Catches fire from lava Yes For the removed Pocket Edition block, see Leaves carried. For the item often incorrectly referred to as "alpha leaves", see Invalid Data Value Leaves. Leaves are natural blocks that generate as part of trees. Despite being a full block, they can be waterlogged. ...
(Magma, Furnace, Campfire, Smoker, Fire, etc.) The different types of Herbs can be found naturally generating in the wild and can be potted. To pot an herb, you can interact with an herb while holding a Flower Pot, OR put the Herb and a Flower Pot in a Crafting Table.Interact wi...