Falling on a hay bale will reduce fall damage by 80%. If a player accidentally falls off a cliff, they can make use of this feature to quickly place a hay bale on the block they are falling on. Other uses Hay bales can be used to fill up thecomposteras well, as every block of ...
hey hale=干草捆,装饰性方块。在生存模式中九个小麦合成,如果你箱子装不下了的话,你可以把小麦合成干草捆放置在地下以腾空箱子里的空间来装其他更有用的东西。干草捆也可以逆向合成九个小麦,在创造模式中只是一个摆设。
干草块Hay_Bale创建的收藏夹0默认收藏夹#2内容:【Pewdiepie中字】不要把你的马改成这个名字 | Minecraft 第十三期,如果您对当前收藏夹内容感兴趣点击“收藏”可转入个人收藏夹方便浏览