minecraft:calibrated_sculk_sensor minecraft:camera minecraft:campfire minecraft:candle minecraft:candle_cake minecraft:carrots minecraft:cartography_table minecraft:carved_pumpkin minecraft:cauldron minecraft:cave_vines minecraft:cave_vines_body_with_berries minecraft:cave_vines_head_with_berries minecraft:chain ...
-580 calibrated_sculk_sensor 671 camel_spawn_egg 609 camera 603 campfire -412 candle -429 candle_cake 723 carpet 279 carrot 529 carrot_on_a_stick 141 carrots -200 cartography_table -155 carved_pumpkin 494 cat_spawn_egg 437 cauldron 462 cave_spider_spawn_egg -322 cav...
Hanging Signs and other blocks can now be attached to Anvil (bottom), Chorus Flower (bottom), Mob Spawner (sides, and bottom), Grindstone (bottom when the Grindstone is hanging), Daylight Sensor (bottom), and Turtle Egg (bottom). Hanging Signs and other blocks can no longer be attached t...
They are not found naturally and can only be crafted with 1 Sculk Sensor and 3 Amethyst Shards in the Crafting Table 它们不会自然生成,只能通过合成获得,你可以在工作台中用 1 个幽匿感测体与 3 个紫水晶碎片合成它们 One side of the Calibrated Sculk Sensor can receive a redstone signal as inp...
Suspicious Sand and Suspicious Gravel do not drop anymore when falling on top of Sculk Sensors or Calibrated Sculk Sensors Boats Mobs are now correctly positioned above the surface of Bamboo Rafts when riding them Camels Camels now straighten their heads after sitting down, instead of...
Autolink.invlink(name, 'nolink'), name = name } end -- Animated icons -- local animatedIcons = { 'Blue Key', 'Bubble Column', 'Calibrated Sculk Sensor', 'Compass', 'Clock', 'Crimson Hyphae', 'Crimson Stem', 'Debug Stick', 'Fire', 'Heat Block', 'Lava',...
CALIBRATED_SCULK_SENSOR, Blocks.SNIFFER_EGG ) .visible(() -> (mode.get() == Modes.UnnaturalBlocks)) Expand Down 35 changes: 24 additions & 11 deletions 35 src/main/java/pwn/noobs/trouserstreak/modules/InstaMineNuker.java Show comments View file Edit file Delete file This file ...
Calibrated Sculk Sensor (Active & Inactive) (2) Daylight Detectors (Normal & Inverted) (2) Piston (Vertical & Horizontal) (2) Sticky Piston (Vertical & Horizontal) (2) Dispenser (Horizontal & Vertical) (2) Dropper (Horizontal & Vertical) (2) ...
can u make the amethyst on calibrated sculk sensor wider to match java edition? 🧡 AgentMindStormFebruary 18, 2025 at 1:26 pm It's possible, but I want to wait until 1.21.70 is finished before changing any cross model blocks, like grass or flowers. Mojang is currently remodeling tons ...